Te Au Tuanga Meitaki no te Ora‘anga
Te Au Tuanga Meitaki no te Ora‘anga
Ko te ū tangata te ravenga e rauka ai te turanga meitaki no to korua ora‘anga ko taau pepe e noou katoa.
Ko te ū tangata te ravenga e rauka ai te turanga meitaki no to korua ora‘anga ko taau pepe e noou katoa.
Na te ū tangata e paruru i taau pepe kia kore e tupu te au kinokino tuketuke ki tona kopu, kia kore tona taringa e maki‘ia, e pera katoa tona akaea anga a‘o, e na teia katoa e akaiti mai kia kore aia e tu‘ia e te maki toto vene, e matū kino‘ia, e pera katoa, kia kore e mate i runga i tona roi o te pepe.
Me e tangata tetai o toou ngutuare tangata, me kore ra, o toou kopu tangata, e tu‘ia ana e te turanga kino no te kare tona kopapa e rauka ana i te ariki i tetai au kai (allergies), penei, na te angai i taau pepe ki toou ū e akaiti mai i te tumu e rokoia ai aia e teia turanga ariki-kore o te kopapa i tetai au kai (allergy).
Na teia katoa e tauturu i toou kopapa kia matutu akaou i muri ake i te anau anga koe i taau pepe, e ka akaiti katoa teia i te teima‘a o toou kopapa i te tuatau e nui ra koe. Ka riro katoa te angai ū i te akaiti mai penei, kia kore koe e rokoia e te maki kanita (cancer) o to ū.
Na te angai ū e riro i te akapiri vaitata ia korua ko taau pepe, ma te tauturu i taau pepe kia noo aia ma te turanga meitaki e te inangaro maata ia.
External links and downloads
Childbirth education and antenatal classes provide the opportunity to learn more about pregnancy and preparation for labour, birth and the first few weeks after baby is born. These groups also provide an opportunity to meet others expecting a baby and many groups continue to meet regularly, and can provide great support networks, well into the future. Some regions also offer dedicated breastfeeding education sessions
Going to antenatal breastfeeding classes is really helpful. You can find an antenatal class near you on the SmartStart website - it provides step-by-step information and support to help you find the right services for you and your baby. You could also check with your midwife about how to find these valuable classes.
The Mama Aroha app provides information about many aspects of breastfeeding. It includes information on the importance of breastfeeding, support for breastfeeding skin to skin, supply and demand feeding, what to expect, feeding cues, latching and positioning, hand expressing and milk storage. Check out how to use the app (PDF, 1.73 MB).
This app provides information about various aspects of breastfeeding - from how to prepare for breastfeeding during pregnancy, through to the first few days and the early weeks. In provides guidance on common issues such as latching and positioning your baby, hand expressing and breast care. In addition, the app has information on more unusual issues such as breastfeeding twins and early babies (premature), and frequently asked questions around breastfeeding such as medicines, contraception and smoking when breastfeeding.
Check SmartStart to find breastfeeding support services in your area.
Food information for babies and toddlers from birth to 2 years old.
Breastmilk is the perfect food for your baby and breastfeeding is perfect for you too. Find out why.
Food information for breastfeeding women. Includes nutrition, healthy food for mother and baby, dietary variety, drinking plenty of fluids, foods low in fat, salt and sugar, healthy weight, losing weight gained during pregnancy, daily activity or exercise, taking time out, alcohol, and being smokefree.
If you are worried about how your baby is breastfeeding, ask for a breatfeeding assessment. Your midwife or lead maternity carer (LMC) will know who to refer you to in your area. You can also talk to a PlunketLine nurse on 0800 933 922. Calls are free and PlunketLine is available 24/7. They'll do an assessment and can book you an online appointment with one of Whānau Āwhina Plunket's lactation consultants. These breastfeeding consultations are free and available for all breastfeeding women - even if Whānau Āwhina Plunket isn't your WellChild provider.
This page last reviewed 30 May 2022.
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