Ko te mate pekahau ririki he mate e kitea whānuitia ana, he mate tino hopuhopu nei hoki. He rite tonu te pā mai a te mate pekahau ririki ki ngā pēpi kāore anō kia tae atu ki te kotahi tau te pakeke.
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. It causes cough, fever and problems with breathing. Most tamariki (children) make a complete recovery from pneumonia.
Croup is a viral illness in young tamariki (children) which causes narrowing of the upper airways. Croup is often a mild illness but can quickly become serious, so don't hesitate to get medical help.
Bronchiolitis is a chest condition that causes breathing problems in pēpi (babies). It's caused by a virus. Bronchiolitis is very easy to catch so wash your hands before and after handling your baby.