A video giving tips on how to store breastmilk.
Source: KidsHealth
Breast milk can be stored. Remember to use a sterilised container to put the milk in.
You can store your breast milk in the fridge for up to 48 hours.
Lactation consultant
So Rebecca for storing your breast milk now that, I mean you must be getting some really good volumes, what do you do?
At the moment I'm storing for 24 hours, uh, the fresh milk, uh, because the wee-er baby, this one, is getting top ups, um, so she breastfeeds and then we give her the expressed top up ...
Lactation consultant
... um, just to get, um, her weight gain up. Uh... and I also, um, if I get excess, I freeze, um, the excess supply.
Lactation consultant
We know that if you expressed that now, you could leave it in, at this temperature for four hours before you need to put it in the fridge and then you'd store it at the back of the fridge. Always label of course and date your breast milk which is really important because you need to make sure which was the first expressed.
[Muffled words of agreement]
Lactation consultant
Yes absolutely, so label and date it, pop it in the back of the fridge where it doesn't change temperatures. You wouldn't put it on the door because then every time you open the door, it changes temperature
[Muffled words of agreement]
Yep no we have it at the back. Don't we? And we have it in the freezer downstairs rather than the freezer we use.
It's best to store it at the back in the lower half of the fridge, never in the door. This should keep it [sound of fridge door closing] between two to four degrees Celsius.
You can keep breast milk at room temperature, in a cool dark place, for up [sound of tap running] to four hours.
[Sound of tap running continues]
Your breast milk can be stored for up to three to six months in a freezer. Allow your frozen breast milk to defrost itself in the fridge. When it's thawed, use it straight away.
[Sound of running tap]
Your baby might like warm milk.
[Sound of running tap]
Stand the bottle in a container of hot water and let it heat to body temperature before feeding.
Lactation consultant
... and that will sit in there and occasionally just test it. You test it on the forearm here and you shouldn't really feel it. If it's exactly the right temperature, it should be neither hot nor cold.
Microwaving bottles is not recommended because the uneven heating can burn your baby's mouth and the heat can damage the food value and health protecting qualities of breast milk.
Lactation consultant
Did you feel that or is that about the right temperature?
I can't feel anything. Is that meant to be normal?
Lactation consultant [Dialogue spoken at same time in parts]
That's ...that will mean it's the right temperature to feed your baby.
Mum [Dialogue spoken at same time in parts]
Right temperature? Oh yeah.
Mum [Dialogue spoken at same time in parts]
All right. Cool.
Lactation consultant [Dialogue spoken at same time in parts]
Perfect. Well done
Once warmed and before feeding, always swirl the container of milk to mix well and test the temperature by shaking a few drops of milk on the inside of your wrist.
The milk should feel just warm on your skin.
Lactation consultant
So we'd store it for four hours at room temperature, two days in the fridge, or four months in the freezer.
Key messages in other languages
Te putu waiū (Te Reo Māori)
Ka taea te whakaputu waiū.
Me mahara ki te whakamahi i tētahi ipu horomata hei putu ki roto.
Ka taea te putu i tō waiū ki rō pouaka makariri atu ki te 48 haora i te 2 – 4 pāmahana C (ko te tikanga ki muri o te wāhanga o raro o te pouaka makariri, kaua ki te kūaha).
Ka taea e koe te waiho waiū ki te pāmahana ā-whare atu ki te 4 haora.
Ka taea te putu i tō waiū atu ki te 3 ki te 6 marama rānei i te pouaka tio.
Waiho tō waiū tio ki te miraka ki te pouaka makariri rewa ai. Ina rewa ana, me whakamahi tonu.
Tērā pea ka hiahia tō pēpi i te waiū mahana. Whakatūhia te pātara ki roto i tētahi ipu wai wera ka waiho kia rite rā anō te mahana ki tō tinana kātahi whāngaihia. (Kāore e pai te whakamahana pātara ki roto i te ngaruiti i te mea kāore e ōrite te whakamahana ka mutu kei wera te waha o tō pēpi, ā, kei kino te painga o te kai me ngā kounga tiaki hauora o te waiū.)
Ina mahana ana, ā, i mua i te whāngaitanga me whakapīoioi te ipu waiū i ngā wā katoa kia tino ranu pai ai, me te whakamātau i te pāmahana mā te rurerure mai i ētahi turunga waiū ki te taha o tō whatianga. Ko te tikanga ka rongo koe i te mahana o te waiū ki tō kiri.
Tokaaga he huhu tatau (Vagahau Niue, Niuean)
Maeke e huhu tatau he toka.
Fakaaoga e kapiniu kua fakameā lahi ke tatau ki ai e huhu.
Maeke ke toka e huhu tatau haau he filisa noa ke hoko ke he 48 e tulā mo e (2 – 4) °C Celsius he momoko filisa (tuku ki tua he toloa i lalo he filisa, kae nakai ke he gutuhala).
Maeke ke toka noa he poko mafana e huhu kae nakai molea e 4 e tulā.
Maeke e huhu tatau haau ke toka ke he 3 – 6 e mahina he filisa tuli (freezer).
Toka he filisa noa e huhu tuli ke fakatataka ai. Kaeke kua tataka, kua lata ni he mogo ia ke fakaaoga.
Neke manako e muke haau ke kai he puke huhu mafana. Tuku e lupo he polu vai mafana ti toka ke mafana ai ke he mafana he tino to age ke fagai aki. (Ai lata ke fakaaoga e microwave he neke vela e gutu he muke he magaaho ka kai ai, ti moumou ai he vela lahi ia e tau huhua kai mitaki mo e tau puipuiaga tino he huhu he matua.)
Ka mafana ai, mo e to age ke kai e muke, fakamahani ke lulululu e lupo ke fio mitaki e huhu mo e fuafua ai e mafana he puke huhu ke he aolima haau. Kua lata ke mafana fakatote e huhu ke he lima haau.
Teuina o suāsusu mai susu o le tina (Gagana Sāmoa, Samoan)
O suāsusu mai le tina e mafai ona teuina.
Manatua ia fa‘aaogā meauga fa‘apitoa (sterilised containers) e tu‘u ai suāsusu.
E mafai ona e teuina lou suāsusu i totonu o le pusa‘aisa mo le 48 itula i le malulu o le 2-4 tikeli C (e masani lava i le pito i tua o le pusa‘aisa i le afa i lalo, aua lava ne i tu‘uina i le faitoto‘a o le pusa‘aisa).
E mafai ona e tu‘uina suāsusu i fafo o le pusa‘aisa i le mafanafana o le potu mo le 4 itula.
O lou suāsusu e mafai ona teuina i le pusa‘aisa mo le 3-6 masina i totonu o le fulisa.
Ia tu‘uina lou suāsusu mai le fulisa ina ia fa‘avaiina i totonu o le pusa‘aisa. A liusuāvaia loa, fa‘aaoga loa.
E fiafia lau pepe i le susu mafanafana. Fa‘atū le fagususu i totonu o se konitaina vaivevela ma fa‘avevela ia o‘o i le mafanafana o lou tino ae le i fafagaina i lau pepe. (O le fa‘avevelaina o susu i totonu o masini fa‘avevela mea‘ai (microwave) e lē tatau ona o le lē tutusa o le vevela o le susu ma e ono mu ai le gutu o le pepe, ma o le vevela fo‘i e ono fa‘atama‘ia ai vaega tāua o mea‘ai ma le soifua maloloina o le puipuia o vaega lelei ma tāua o lo o i totonu o suāsusu).
A mafanafana loa, ma a o le i fafagaina, ia fa‘amasani ona luluina le fagu susu ina ia fa‘atutusa lelei le susu ma tofo le mafanafana e ala lea i le luluina o sina susu i luga o le vaega i totonu o lou tapulima. O le susu e tatau ona mafanafana i lau fa‘alogo.
Ko te teuga o te huāhuhu mai te huhu (Gagana Tokelau, Tokelauan)
Ko te huāhuhu mai te huhu e mafai ke teu.
Manatua ke fakaaogā he mea e tuku ai nā mea (container) kua uma te tāmate o nā hiama ke tuku ki loto te huāhuhu.
E mafai ke tuku te huāhuhu mai te huhu o te mātua i te aiha ke pā ki te 48 itūlā i te 2-4 tikelī C (e māhani lava i tua i te afa i lalo o te puha aiha, nahe tukua ki te faitotoka).
E mafai ke tuku e koe te huāhuhu mai te huhu o te mātua i te fua o te vevela o te potu (room temperature) mō te 4 itūlā.
Ko tō huāhuhu mai te huhu o koe e mafai ke teu mō te 3 ki te 6 mahina i te filisa (freezer).
Tukuvē tō huāhuhu i te aihā ke fakaliu (defrost) lava ia i loto i te aiha. Kāfai kua liu, fakaaogā loa lava.
Ko tau pepe atonu e fiafia ki te huāhuhu māfanafana. Fakatū te fagu i he mea tuku mea (container) i te vai vevela ma tuku ke pā ki te vevela o te tino (body temperature) ka ko hēki fafaga. (Ko te microvave o te fagu e hē lelei auā ko te hē lāutahi o te vevela e mafai ke mū ai te gutu o te pepe, ma ko te vevela e mafai ke fakakino ai te aogā o te meakai ma te tūlaga puipuia o te ola mālōlō o te huāhuhu mai te huhu).
E māfanafana loa lava, ka ko hēki fafaga, lūlū muamua te fagu huhu i taimi uma ke tau lelei ma hiaki te vevela i te fakamoti o ni moti huāhuhu ki luga o tō tapulima. Ko te huhu e tatau ke lagona te māfanafana i tō paku.
Tauhi fakatolonga ‘o e hu‘ahuhu´ (Lea Faka-Tonga, Tongan)
‘Oku lava ke tauhi fakatolonga ‘a e hu‘ahuhu´.
Manatu‘i ke ngāue‘aki ha hina kuo ‘osi haka ke tauhi ai ‘a e hu‘ahuhu´.
‘E lava ke ke tauhi fakatolonga ‘a ho hu‘ahuhu´ ‘i he ‘aisi fakamokomoko´ ‘o a‘u hake ki he houa ‘e 48 ‘i he tikilī selisiasi ‘e 2-4 (‘oku fa‘a tuku eni ‘i mui ‘i he konga ki lalo ‘o e ‘aisi´, ‘o ‘oua ‘aupito ‘e tuku ‘i he matapaa´).
‘E lava ke tuku ‘a e hu‘ahuhu´ ‘i he tu‘unga māfana pē ‘o e loki ‘oku mou ‘i ai´ ‘o a‘u hake ki he houa ‘e 4.
‘E lava ke tauhi fakatolonga ‘a ho hu‘ahuhu´ ‘o a‘u hake ki he māhina ‘e 3 ki he 6 kapau ‘oku tuku ‘i he ‘aisi fakapoloka´ (freezer).
Tuku ke mole ‘a e poloka´ ‘i loto pē ‘i he loto ‘aisi fakamokomoko´. Ko ‘ene vaia´ pē pea faka‘aonga‘i leva ia.
‘E ngali sai‘ia ‘a ho‘o pēpee´ ke mafana ‘a ‘ene hu‘akau´. ‘Ai eni ‘i ha hina ‘o fokotu‘u ‘i ha vai vela pea tuku eni ke a‘u hake ki he tu‘unga māfana tatau mo e māfana ‘o e sino´ pea toki fafanga. (‘Oku ‘ikai poupou‘i atu hono fa‘o eni ‘i he maikoloueivi´ koe‘uhi´ ko e tōkehekehe ‘a e fua māfana´ ‘a ia ‘e ala vela ai ‘a e ngutu ‘o ho‘o pēpee´, pea ‘e hanga ‘e he vela ko ia´ ‘o tamate‘i ‘a e ngaahi ivi polotini mo e ngaahi nāunau faito‘o ‘i loto ‘i he hu‘ahuhu´).
Hili pē ‘a hono fakamafana´, pea kimu‘a ‘i he fafanga´, lulu ma‘u pē ‘a e hina hu‘akau´ ke fefiohi lelei pea ‘ahi‘ahi‘i ‘a hono mafana´ ‘aki hano lulu‘i hifo ‘o ha ngaahi mata‘i tulutā ki ho kia‘inima´. ‘Oku totonu ke ki‘i māmāfana pē eni ‘i he ‘ene tau ‘i ho kili´.
Te akaputu‘anga i te ū tangata (Māori Kuki Airani, Cook Islands)
Ka meitaki te ū tangata i te akaputu‘ia.
Kia maara ia koe e, ei vairanga ū kua oti meitaki i te tama‘ia ma te kore e tiemu i roto, ka tuku ei koe i te ū ki roto i reira.
Ka rauka ia koe i te akaputu i toou ū i akata‘e koe ki roto i te kaparata aisi (fridge) no tetai 48 ora e kia tano te vaito anu ki te 2 – 4 tikiri C (ki muri i te ope o te vairanga o raro mai o te fridge, auraka rava e, ki roto i te ngutupa).
Ka rauka ia koe i te akaruke i te ū tangata no tetai 4 ora ki roto i tetai ua atu pi‘a o te ngutuare.
Ka meitaki toou ū akata‘e kia akaruke‘ia no tetai 3 ki te 6 marama ki roto i te pi‘a anu tikai o te fridge (freezer).
E akaruke koe i toou ū tei toka anu kia ta‘e akaou rai i roto i te fridge. Me akamata akaou ana i te ta‘e, e ta-angaanga viviki koe i te reira, i te reira taime rai.
Penei ka reka taau pepe i te ū tei tāmaanaana‘ia. Tuku‘ia te moina ū ki roto i tetai vairanga e vai vera to roto, ka akaruke ei kia taena te turanga vaito maana o te kopapa, i mua ake ka angai ei koe. (Kare te tāmaana ki roto i te microwave e tau kia raveia no te mea, ka pakapaka te va‘a o taau pepe i te turanga vera tuketuke o te microwave, e ka kino te turanga meitaki e te turanga paruru o te ū tangata).
Me maana ana, e i mua ake ka akamata ai koe i te angai, e takaviriviri meitaki koe i te vairanga ū kia kairo meitaki tikai, ma te akapapu i te turanga vaito o te vera na roto i te topata‘anga i tetai au topatapata ū ki roto ake i toou ati‘anga o te rima (wrist). Ko te tika‘anga, te maana ra te ū i runga i toou pakiri.
储存乳汁 (简体中文, Chinese simplified)
儲存母乳 (繁體中文, Chinese traditional)
您可以將母乳在內部溫度為2-4攝氏度的冰箱內存放最多達48小時 (通常是放在冰箱下半部的後方,切勿放在門邊)。
讓冷凍的母乳在冰箱中自行解凍。解凍 之後馬上使用。
모유 저장하기 (한 글, Korean)
모유는 저장해 둘 수 있습니다.
꼭 소독된 용기에 모유를 담아두십시오.
모유는 섭씨 2~4도의 냉장고에서 48 시간 보관 가능합니다(냉장고 하단 안쪽에 보관. 문 칸은 절대 금지).
실온 상태에서는 최고 4시간까지 둘 수 있습니다.
냉동고에는 최고 3~6개월간 보관 가능합니다.
냉동시킨 모유는 냉장고에 넣어 스스로 해동되게 기다렸다가 녹으면 바로 사용하십시오.
아기가 따뜻한 모유를 좋아할지도 모릅니다. 뜨거운 물을 담은 용기 안에 젖병을 세워놓고 체온과 비슷한 온도가 될 때까지 기다렸다가 아기에게 먹입니다. (모유를 데울 때 전자레인지를 이용하지 않는 것이 좋음. 균일하게 가열되지 않아 아기 입이 데거나 가열 과정에 모유의 영양소와 건강 효능 성분이 파괴될 수 있기 때문)
모유가 데워지면 항상 그 용기 병을 빙빙 돌려 잘 섞은 뒤 손목 안쪽에 몇 방울을 떨어트려 온도가 적당한지 확인하고 먹입니다. 손목 피부에 따뜻한 느낌이 오는 정도의 온도여야 합니다.
Key messages
Breastmilk can be stored.
Remember to use a sterilised container to put the milk in.
You can store your breastmilk in the fridge for up to 48 hours at 2 to 4 degrees Celsius (usually at the back in the lower half of the fridge, never in the door).
You can keep breastmilk at room temperature for up to 4 hours.
Your breastmilk can be stored for up to 3 to 6 months in a freezer.
Allow your frozen breastmilk to defrost itself in the fridge. When it is thawed, use it straightaway.
Your baby might like warm milk. Stand the bottle in a container of hot water and let it heat to body temperature before feeding. (Microwaving bottles is not recommended because the uneven heating can burn your baby's mouth, and the heat can damage the food value and health protecting qualities of breastmilk.)
Once warmed, and before feeding always swirl the container of milk to mix well and test the temperature by shaking a few drops of milk on the inside of your wrist. The milk should feel just warm on your skin.
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