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Caption and credit

A video talking about expressing breastmilk.
Source: KidsHealth


Voiceover [and background music]

Expressing milk means squeezing milk out of your breast. You would do this if you were separated from your baby for any reason. If you find you need to express breast milk, express by hand if you can especially in the first few days.

Lactation consultant

Look I'm going to just show you how to hand express. It's a really, really good skill for you to know. You're just never quite sure when you maybe separated from one or other of your little people, um and use it at any point in time. You don't need any equipment, just clean hands.

I'm going to show you, I'll show you on my …

[Audio of baby sounds on and off throughout dialogue]

Lactation consultant

…on this little breast, this knitted breast and then we'll go through it together with you.



Lactation consultant

So the most important thing really is that you've washed your hands, you've got a clean bottle or something to express into and, um, that you can actually encourage your let down.

It's really important to encourage your let down before you actually express because you just can't get your milk away unless you've actually had a let down. That can, you can do by massaging your breast, by some heat but more importantly looking at your little people. When you can smell your babies or just actually see them, or if that's not possible, just nice music, feeling comfortable and if you've got any discomfort at all making sure that that's gone, like some people who've had, um, an unfortunate or a difficult delivery may feel a bit awkward on their sit-upon so having some pain relief before they express is really important.

So now if we show you how to do it, I'll show, demonstrate straight on my, on this breast, the knitted breast and then we'll, um,  I'll get you to do it. Is that OK?


Sounds good.

Lactation consultant

Right. So the most important thing, so we're going to encourage that, um, that let down by circulating, bringing your stroking your breast; bit of heat sometimes is helpful - perhaps after a shower is really helpful, and now sometimes you can even get a drip of milk coming away before you even start.

Now put our finger and thumb opposing one another, so in other words almost opposite …


[Muffled comment]

Lactation consultant

… not, not kind of like this. We want the nipple in the centre. It's almost like a line between the two opposing one another and you'll find a, a spot, probably about two centimetres from the base of your nipple but that actually varies from woman to woman. It's called the sweet spot and you'll feel it in your breast. It's a lovely soft area before all the glandular tissue which is behind here which is a bit firmer.

So you put your finger and thumb opposing one another. You push back into your breast, bring your finger and thumb together and just, it's a kind of a rolling action really, on the one spot …



Lactation consultant

…and you rotate around your breast

all the way round, milking the different ducts, all the way through the breast, collecting the, obviously the milk, as it comes away. Have you got any questions before we try it?


No, I, I guess I'm a little surprised that you're pushing down rather than sort of drawing out ... like you're sort of, how I imagine it from ah,

[Muffled comments from lactation consultant, talking at the same time as Mum]


… from what you see from …

Lactation consultant

Yes, yes.


… cows

Lactation consultant

Yes, cows, yes … and I think it's because ... we don't want you pulling on the skin because if you keep doing that then in fact it becomes very irritating. The areola, the pink, the darker part of your breast, pink in this case, but the darker part, is actually the most sensitive part of your breast, and so therefore if it's going to hurt then you probably will not let down again. You know, you'll be stressed and the milk won't flow so you don't want to irritate that area. It's just pushing back and then bringing your finger and thumb together and you'll find that because of the tissue it will actually move slightly forward and you just keep going through …



Lactation consultant

… and it ... you get into a rhythm. OK?



Lactation consultant

Are you quite comfortable to use that?



Lactation consultant

To try that?


Yeah no certainly.

Lactation consultant



Let me just put her down. Keep her close there. There you go.

Lactation consultant

So you washed your hands before you came in.


Yes I did.

Lactation consultant

It is important.


Yep. I've got a sterile bottle.

Lactation consultant

Yes and you've got your bottle.


Think we're set, so …

Lactation consultant

So we're going to massage, just do some nice, soft, gentle

Lactation consultant and Mum together

… massage around …

Lactation consultant




Lactation consultant

and uh... we haven't got any heat but maybe you've just had a shower.


It's quite warm in here.

Lactation consultant and Mum together



Yeah no problem.


and so should that be enough to just sort of?

Lactation consultant

Yes, yes, yes I think so, um, you may even see some milk coming when you've had …when you're feeling

Lactation consultant and Mum together

more comfortable …



Lactation consultant

Now if you think about that sweet spot …


So two centimetres on either side?

Lactation consultant

Yes, yes. Can you feel anything?


Well it's probably a little bit harder. I can feel it when I come in a wee bit.

Lactation consultant

Yes does that feel nice and soft in that area?


I'm the not two centimetre lady!

Lactation consultant and Mum together


Lactation consultant


It's interesting because your breasts, you know as you get to sort of around about four weeks, your breasts soften because you ... when you first have your baby your breasts become very firm and full with lymph and blood to get them going, but by about four weeks they soften right down and some people think oh there's no milk left you know. But you know it'll show very much whether ... that you've got it.


So like that? So it's pushing down?

Lactation consultant

Your finger and thumb opposing one another?

Well done.


And then uh it's going to be … probably turn around that way.

Lactation consultant

Might be better, yes. Push back.




Lactation consultant

Again that's great.

Just keep ... get into a nice rhythm. You put your finger and thumb …



Lactation consultant

Back there.


And you said move round. Do I do that once it stops?

Lactation consultant

A good question. No keep on the same spot until, yes, you may chose just to move slightly back further with your finger and thumb.



Lactation consultant

Yes. It looks about there, yes.



Lactation consultant


That's excellent. Just keep going.

[Background music from her until the end of video]

Lactation consultant

Get into a rhythm, yes absolutely, until it's absolutely stopped.


Until the duct has done its thing?

Lactation consultant

Yes. OK. That's right. Well done.

You might find that you'll get a duct. Sometimes it just squirts and will catch me!

Lactation consultant and Mum



Hopefully not!

Key messages in other languages

Ko te kutētē waiū he kutētē waiū i ō ū.  Ka mahi pēnei koe mēnā ka noho wehe koe i tō pēpi mō tētahi wā ahakoa te take.

Mēnā e hiahia ana koe ki te kutētē waiū:

  • me kutētē mā te ringa mēnā ka taea, otirā i ngā rangi tuatahi
  • me kōrero ki tō tapuhi, te nēhi Tamariki Ora rānei mō ētahi atu tikanga kutētē

Ko e tatau he tau huhu, ko e fofota mai he huhua huhu haau ke moua mai ai e puke huhu.  Aoga e puhala nei kaeke kua fai fekau mo e fano kehe a koe mo e muke haau.

Kaeke kua manako a koe ke tatau e tau huhu:

  • tatau aki e tau lima kaeke kua maeke, mua atu ke tau aho fakamua ia
  • fakatutala mo e fifine fakafanau poke nosi he Tama Malolo ke he falu a puhala

Tatauina o le suāsusu o le tatauina lea o le suāsusu mai ou susu.  O le a e fa‘atinoina lea pe a fai o le a tu‘u ese‘eseina oe mai lau pepe i so o se mafua‘aga.

Afai e te iloa e te mana‘omia le tatauina o lou suāsusu:

  • fa‘aaoga ou lima e tatau ai le susu pe a mafai, aemaise lava ulua‘i aso
  • fa‘atalanoa nisi auala e tatau ai le suāsusu ma lau foma‘i fa‘atosaga po‘o se tasi mai le Well Child

Ko te Fakapahīga o te huāhuhu ko tona uiga ko te fakapahīga o te huāhuhu ki fafo o tō huhu.  E fai e koe kāfai koe e teka kehe ma tau pepe mō hō he mafuaga.

Kāfai koe e fofou ke fakapahī te huāhuhu mai te huhu:

  • fakapahī i te lima kāfai e mafai e koe, kae maihe ko nā aho muamua
  • talanoa iētahi auala e fakapahī ai ma tō fakatōhaga pe ko te teine fomai o te Well Child

‘Oku ‘uhinga ‘eni ki hono tatau ‘o e hu‘ahuhu´ mei´ ho huhu´.  Te ke fakahoko ‘eni kapau ‘oku´ mo māvahevahe mo ho‘o pēpee´ ‘i ha fa‘ahinga ‘uhinga pē.

Kapau ‘e faifaiange pea´ ke fiema‘u ke tatau ha hu‘ahuhu:

  • tatau‘aki pē ho nima´, tautautefito ‘i he ngaahi fuofua ‘aho´ pē
  • talanoa mo ho‘o mā‘uli´ pe neesi Palaniketi´ ki he ngaahi founga kehe ‘o hono tatau ‘o e hu‘ahuhu´

Ko te aite‘anga o te akata‘e‘anga ū tangata, koia oki, ko te komiri i te ū kia ta‘e mai mei roto mai i toou nga ū.  Ka rave koe i teia, me kua akatakake‘ia koe e taau pepe no tetai ua atu tumu.

Me kite koe e, ka anoano koe i te akata‘e i toou ū:

  • e akata‘e koe na roto i te komirimiri‘anga ki toou rima, i tena tikai i te au ra mua
  • e uriuri manako koe ki toou vaine akaanau tamariki, me kore ra, ki te neti Well Child, no tetai au ravenga ke atu no te akata‘e i toou ū



  • 如果可以的话,用手挤,特别是在最初的几天
  • 与您的助产士或“健康孩童”护士商量其他挤乳汁的办法



  • 可能的話用手擠,特別是最初幾天的時候
  • 與助產士或Well Child 護士討論其他擠乳方式

유축이란 젖을 짜내는 것을 말합니다.  직접 젖을 물리지 못할 사정이 생겼을 경우 유축을 합니다.

유축을 해야 한다면:

  • 가능하다면, 특히 분만 후 첫 몇 주 동안은 손으로 유축하십시오.
  • 조산원 또는 전담 간호사와 다른 유축 방법에 대해 상의하십시오.

Key messages

Expressing milk means squeezing milk out of your breast. You would do this if you are separated from your baby for any reason.

If you find you need to express breastmilk:

  • express by hand if you can, especially in the first few days
  • discuss other ways of expressing with your midwife or Well Child nurse

PlunketLine offers parenting advice, including advice about feeding your baby.


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