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A video looking at the equipment you will need for making formula.
Source: KidsHealth




You will need feeding bottles and teats with caps, collars and sealing discs. You will also need a bottle brush and and a teat brush, kitchen tongs, and sterilising equipment.

[Sound of lid being put on pot]

Lactation consultant

You need infant formula that's appropriate for your baby's age. You need a kettle. You need a feeding bottle and a collar and top and teat that's appropriate for your baby. You'll need a clean cloth to cover when you're shaking the, um, formula. You'll need bottle brushes - this one for cleaning the teat, a jug to make sure that it gets to the temperature that your baby feels comfortable with.



Lactation consultant

Some tongs, a pot which is big enough to contain the bottle and teats, for boiling and you need a towel obviously, to dry your hands, and a clean, flat surface for the preparation.


Not all baby bottles have accurate volume lines, or measure marks, on them. To check that the lines on your bottles are accurate, look for the standard mark EN14350 on the bottle or packaging, or check with your midwife or Well Child nurse, or you can take your bottles to a pharmacy and ask a staff member to check if the bottles are accurate.

Lactation consultant

It's really important that we check the markings on your bottle, um, because we do know that they're sometimes incorrect. So I've got a ...


Yeah. OK.

Lactation consultant

... syringe here which measures very accurately 50 mls. So If I ...



Lactation consultant

... take 50 mls of water ...

[Sound of tapping syringe]

Lactation consultant

... now put that into your bottle, we can check just how accurate your bottle is because that's really important for your baby's health. Now that's ... what do you think? Well that's pretty spot on isn't it?


I think that's right on.

Lactation consultant

Spot on. That's really spot on. So that's really good. That means that your bottle will be absolutely safe to use.


Why is it important to measure the bottle?

Lactation consultant

It's really important that the, um, that your baby gets fed the right concentration of food. Um, if it was out by 10 mls which some bottles can be sadly, so there's going to be a little bit of an issue for your baby's health in the long run so we need to make sure and check that it's correct.


But what happens if I don't have a syringe available?

Lactation consultant

Yes I guess that I'm visiting you but if I wasn't coming to you, if you went to buy this in a pharmacy or a supermarket, you should take it to your local pharmacist and they will have, they know about this issue, and they will check it for you.




Key messages in other languages

Me whai pātara whāngai koe me ngā titi whai kāwara, kara me ngā kōpae puru.

Me whai anō koe i tētahi parāhe pātara me tētahi parāhe titi, he kuku kīhini, me ngā utauta whakahoromata (e hiahiatia ana mō ngā marama e 6 tuatahi).

Kāore i te tōtika ngā raina ine rōrahi o ngā pātara pēpi katoa (tohu ine).  Mō te tiro kei te tika ngā raina i runga i tō pātara, kimihia te tohu paerewa EN14350 kei te pātara, tākai rānei, heria rānei ō pātara ki tētahi taka rongoā ka pātai ki tētahi kaimahi kia tirohia mai mēnā kei te tika ngā pātara.

Kua lata ke moua e tau lupo fagai, tau matahuhu fai ufiufi, tau kola mo e tau pogoti lupo.

Lata foki ke fai pulasi kana lupo, pulasi kana matahuhu, tau pitoi, mo e tau mena ke fakameā aki (lata ke fakaaoga he 6 mahina fakamua).

Nakai hakohako oti e tau hihika laini (fuafuaaga) he tau lupo fagai tama.  Ke moua e tau fuafuaaga hako, kumi ke he fakaveaga ne fakamau ai e tau matatohi EN14350 ke he lupo, poke puha ne tuku ai, poke uta e tau lupo haau ke he kemisi ke age ke fuafua he taha ia lautolu ia ke kitia e hako tonu.

O le a e mana‘omia ni fagususu ma matāsusu e i ai tapuni, kola ma ipu e fa‘amau ai.

O le a e mana‘omiaina fo‘i se pulumu fufulu fagu ma se pulumu e fufulu ai matāsusu, i‘ofi fa‘aaoga i le umukuka, ma ni mea e vaivevela ai fagususu (e tatau ona fa‘aaogaina mo le ulua‘i 6 masina).

E le o fagususu uma fo‘i e sa‘o ato‘atoa le fuaina o a latou vai (e pei ona makaina) i luga o fagususu.  Mo le siakiina o le sa‘o o le laina o le fua, ia su‘e le fagu masani o lo‘o makaina ai le EN14350 i luga o le pusa o le fagususu, pe ave fo‘i au fagususu i se faletalavai ma fesili i le aufaigaluega e siaki fagu po o sa‘o le fua o lo‘o i ai.

E manakomia e koe ni fagu huhu ma ni matāhuhu fakatahi ma nā tāpuni (caps), kola (collars) ma nā tāpuni tihiki (sealing discs).

E manakomia foki e koe nā palahi fagu (bottle brush) ma nā palahi matāhuhu, kitchen tongs, ma nā mea faigāluega e tao ai nā mea (e fetaui mō te 6 mahina muamua).

E hē ko nā fagu huhu uma e hako lelei nā laina (measure mark) e fua ai te lahi o te huāvai (volume) i loto.  Ke hiaki ko nā laina i tau fagu huhu e hako, kikila mō te māka fakatulaga (standard mark) EN14350 i te fagu pe ko te pepa afīfī, pe kave tau fagu ki te faletalavai ma fehili ki he tino faigāluega ke hiaki pe hako nā fagu.

Te ke fiema‘u ha hina huhu mo e mata‘ihuhu ‘oku ‘i ai hano tāpuni, kola mo hano fo‘i ‘umosi.

Te ke toe fiema‘u foki ha polosi fufulu hina huhu pea mo ha polosi fufulu mata‘ihina huhu, me‘a hiko (tongs), pea mo ha nāunau ke haka ai ‘eni (‘e fiema‘u ‘eni ki he fuofua māhina ‘e 6).

‘Oku ‘ikai ma‘u ‘e he hina huhu kotoa pē ha faka‘ilonga fua hu‘akau ‘oku tonu mo pau.  Ke fakapapau‘i ‘oku tonu ‘a e laine fua hu‘akau ‘i ho‘o ngaahi hina huhu´, vakai‘i pe ‘oku ‘asi ‘i he tu‘a hina´ pe puha fa‘o‘anga hina huhu´ ‘a e faka‘ilonga tu‘upau ko e EN14350, pe ko ho‘o ‘alu atu mo ho‘o ‘ū hina huhu´ ki he fale talavai´ (pharmacy) ‘o kole ange ki ha taha ‘i he kau ngāue´ ke ne vakai‘i pe ‘oku tonu ‘a e laine fua hu‘akau ‘i he ‘ū hina huhu´.  

Ka anoano‘ia koe kia tu i te au moina angai pepe ma te komata e tona tapoki, e te au apinga ngotengote e paruru to ratou, e te au kara arai to ratou ma e te au apinga popani.

Ka anoano katoa ia koe kia tu i te uru moina e tetai uru komata o te apinga ngotengote, te apinga ko‘iko‘i kai i roto i te pi‘a tunu kai, e te apinga tāmā akakore tiemu (ka anoano maata ia teia i te nga marama mua e 6).

Kare te au mōina vai katoatoa a te pepe i tano meitaki te au raini vaito i akataka‘ia ki runga no te maata o te vai te ka mou ki roto (te akairo vaito).  Ei tauturu ia koe i te akapapu e kua tano te au raini vaito i runga i taau au moina, e akara koe kia kitea e koe te akairo tau koia oki, te EN14350 i runga i te moina, me kore ra, i te apinga i va‘i ia ai te moina, me kore ra, e apai koe i taau au moina ki ko i te pharmacy ka ui atu ei koe ki tetai o te aronga angaanga i reira kia akara mai e, me kua tano te au moina.





您也需要奶瓶刷、乳頭刷、廚房用的鉗子以及消毒器具 (前6個月須使用)。


젖병, 인조 젖꼭지, 뚜껑, 중간 마개, 밀폐 디스크가 필요합니다.

젖병 솔, 젖꼭지 솔, 주방용 집게, 소독용구(생후 첫 6개월간 필요)도 필요합니다.

젖병에 따라서는 정확한 용량 눈금이 찍혀 있지 않은 것도 있습니다.  젖병에 찍힌 용량 눈금이 정확한지 확인하려면 젖병이나 포장에 EN14350 마크가 표시되어 있는지 살펴보거나 젖병을 약국에 들고가 정확성 여부를 검사해 달라고 요청하십시오.

Key messages

You will need feeding bottles and teats with caps, collars and sealing discs.

You will also need a bottle brush and a teat brush, kitchen tongs, and sterilising equipment (necessary for the first 6 months).

Not all baby bottles have accurate volume lines (measure marks) on them. To check that the lines on your bottles are accurate, look for the standard mark EN14350 on the bottle or packaging, or take your bottles to a pharmacy and ask a staff member to check if the bottles are accurate.

PlunketLine offers parenting advice, including advice about feeding your baby.

Formula Feeding

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