Transcript - Croup

Transcript - Croup


Video transcript for animation on croup.

Croup is an illness which causes narrowing of the upper airways.

It mostly affects toddlers.

Croup can start with cold symptoms such as a:

  • sore throat
  • fever
  • runny nose

Tamariki with croup have:

  • a barking cough
  • trouble breathing
  • a type of noisy breathing called stridor

Croup symptoms are often worse at night or when your child is upset.

Croup is often a mild illness but can quickly become serious.

See a health professional urgently if your child:

  • has noisy breathing that is getting worse or
  • is becoming upset and you can’t calm them

If you are worried, call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or go back to a health professional.

Dial 111 if your child:

  • is blue around the mouth or
  • is struggling to breathe or
  • is hard to wake or
  • is floppy or
  • is drooling

This page last reviewed 18 July 2024.

Call Healthline on 0800 611 116 any time of the day or night for free health advice when you need it