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Fever animation

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Find out what to do if your child has a fever.
Source: KidsHealth


Fevers are common in tamariki.

They are usually caused by viruses.

A fever is a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or higher.

Fever is a normal way for a child to fight an infection.

Pēpi under 3 months old with a fever need to see a health professional urgently.

If your child is miserable with a fever, you can give paracetamol to make them more comfortable.

Follow the instructions on the bottle.

Encourage your child to drink fluids.

You know your child best, if you are worried at any stage, always seek help.

Call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or take your child to a health professional if they have a fever and:

  • are in pain or
  • are taking less than half of their normal feeds or
  • are vomiting or
  • have frequent watery poo or
  • you are worried

Take your child to a health professional urgently if your child has a fever and:

  • is under 3 months old or
  • looks unwell or
  • is hard to wake or
  • is not interested in surroundings or
  • is having trouble breathing or
  • is in severe pain or
  • is upset by bright lights or
  • is not drinking or
  • is vomiting and not keeping fluids down or
  • has a rash or
  • you are worried

Call 111 if your child has a fever and:

  • is floppy or
  • is blue around the mouth or
  • is struggling to breathe or
  • is unresponsive or
  • you are worried

Always go back to a health professional or call Healthline on 0800 611 116 if your child is getting worse or you are worried.

Key points about fever in children

  • a fever is a temperature over 38 degrees Celsius
  • a fever is usually caused by a virus (like a cold)
  • fever is a normal way for a child to fight an infection
  • if your baby with a fever is under 3 months old, always see a health professional urgently
  • fever by itself does not tell you whether your child is seriously sick
  • you know your child best, if you’re worried at any stage, always seek help

What is fever?

Fever is a normal way for a child to fight an infection.

Normal temperature

Your child's normal body temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius.

A fever

Your child has a fever if their temperature is 38 degrees Celsius or higher.

A high fever

A high fever usually means more than 38.5 degrees Celsius.

Being hot may make your child feel unhappy or uncomfortable, but the high temperature is very unlikely to cause any long-term problems.

What the number on the thermometer can't tell you

Fever by itself does not tell you whether your child is seriously sick.

If your child is miserable and seems unwell, and feels hot, you can use a thermometer to take their temperature. You don't need to do this if your child seems well.

The number on the thermometer cannot tell you:

  • what is causing the fever
  • how sick your child is

Thermometers - How To Use Them 

Causes of fever

The most common cause of a fever in a child is a viral infection. Bacterial infections can also cause a fever.

The body's natural reaction to infection with a virus or bacteria is to raise the temperature inside the body. This helps to kill the infection.

Other causes of fever include:

  • vaccination
  • wrapping a baby in too many warm layers of clothing, or bedding

When to get medical help for a fever

If you are worried about your child, whether or not there is a fever, take them to see a health professional or call Healthline on 0800 611 116.

If your child has already seen a health professional but they are getting worse, go back to a health professional.

Call Healthline or see a health professional

Call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or see a health professional if your child with a fever:

  • is drinking less than half of their normal feeds
  • has less than half of their normal wet nappies
  • has a sore throat
  • is vomiting
  • has frequent, watery poo (diarrhoea)
  • is in pain
  • is getting sicker
  • you're worried

See a health professional urgently

See a health professional urgently if your child with a fever:

  • is under 3 months old
  • has an unusual high-pitched cry
  • looks unwell
  • is hard to wake
  • is not interested in surroundings
  • is having trouble breathing
  • is in severe pain
  • has a severe headache
  • is upset by bright lights
  • is not drinking
  • is vomiting and not keeping fluids down
  • has a rash
  • you're worried

Call 111

Call 111 within New Zealand (use the appropriate emergency number in other countries) and ask for urgent medical help if your child:

  • is floppy
  • is blue around the mouth
  • is struggling to breathe
  • is unresponsive
  • you're worried

Babies less than 3 months old

If your baby is less than 3 months old and has a fever, take them to a health professional urgently.

Pēpi (babies) get fevers for the same reasons as older tamariki, but they are not as good at fighting off infections.

If you are worried about them, take them to a health professional even if they do not have a fever.

Caring for a child with a fever

You can look after your child with a fever at home if they:

  • are drinking and feeding well
  • are still interacting with you
  • do not look sick

Cooling cares

Undress your child so that they are just wearing a single layer (maybe a singlet and pants). Make sure the room is not too hot or too cold. These are the best and most comfortable ways to bring your child's temperature down. It's best not to give your child a bath or shower to cool them. You could use a cool face cloth.

Rest and fluids

Your child may need extra rest or they may want to play - this is OK.

Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids. Offer them small amounts often. Your child may not feel like eating much. Their appetite will return as they start to get better.


If your child is happy, and they are not unwell, you do not need to do anything more. You do not need to treat the fever with medicine.


If your child is miserable because of the fever, you can give paracetamol to make them more comfortable. You must follow the dosage instructions on the bottle. It is dangerous to give more than the recommended dose.

Other medicine

If your health professional gives your child ibuprofen, use it only if your child with a fever is miserable.

Don't give your child cold and flu medicines.

Never give your child aspirin as this may increase the risk of Reye syndrome, which is a rare and serious illness.

Febrile seizures

A small number of tamariki have seizures when they have fevers.

Febrile Seizures In Children

Healthline logo with phonenumber on it

Healthline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0800 611 116. Call Healthline if you need advice about a child of any age who is unwell, hurt, or has any symptoms of sickness. It's free to callers throughout New Zealand, including from a mobile phone.

Call Healthline 0800 611 116

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