Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is the most common disability in childhood. It is a permanent physical condition that affects muscle control. Managing cerebral palsy involves a team approach with parents, therapists, doctors, nurses and teachers all contributing.

The image is a still from a Cerebral Palsy Society NZ video.

Cerebral palsy (CP) affects children in different ways. If you have found out your child has CP, your journey might be different from what you had planned. There are services to help your child with CP to reach their potential. Each child and family's journey is different. 

Your therapist or doctor may use a standardised scale to help you and others understand your child's level of functioning.

See some videos featuring Cerebral Palsy Youth Alliance members talking about the Freedoms Project. They give personal examples of the Freedom they are speaking about. The Freedoms are about individual rights, human rights and the equitable treatment everyone deserves. 

Nobody has a longer relationship with a family member with a disability than their sibling. Watch Parent to Parent's videos of siblings telling their stories and find out about some sibling support groups. 

If you receive news that your child has special needs, you may experience a range of emotions. Remember, there are services available when you want or need help.

When your child is diagnosed with a chronic illness or disability, coping is an ongoing process. Everybody copes in a different way. Ask for help when you need it.

A listing of organisations, resources and support available for parents, family and whānau of children and young people with cerebral palsy.

If your child has a long-term disability, a needs assessment is a step towards getting support or services for your child and family.

Financial support may be available because of your child's extra needs. 

Many parents think about using complementary or alternative medicine approaches for their children. There are some important things to think about using these approaches for your child.

Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is a permanent neurosurgical operation. SDR reduces spasticity (stiffness) in the legs of tamariki/children with cerebral palsy. 

Tube feeding generally involves delivering a liquid feed through the nose (nasal tube) or stomach (gastrostomy tube). Tube feeding helps your child to meet their nutritional needs when they are not able to eat or drink enough by mouth.

Scientists are developing stem cell therapies for the replacement or repair of damaged tissues such as nerves, muscle and other parts of the body. Doctors and scientists are researching stem cell therapy and looking at the best ways to use stem cells in cerebral palsy.