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Cough animation

Caption and credit

Find out what to do if your child has a cough.
Source: KidsHealth


Coughing is common in tamariki, especially in preschoolers.

There are many causes of cough in tamariki.

The most common cause of a cough is a viral illness, like a cold.

Tamariki can have several colds each year.

They can keep coughing for 2 to 3 weeks after a cold.

If your child has had a daily cough for longer than 4 weeks, see a health professional.

Call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or see a health professional if your child with a cold is coughing and:

  • is having trouble breathing or
  • is having trouble speaking or
  • has noisy breathing

See a health professional urgently if your child has a cough and:

  • is under 3 months old or
  • is struggling to breathe or
  • can’t finish a whole sentence or
  • is struggling to feed
  • you think they’ve choked on something or
  • you are worried

Call 111 if your child has a cough and:

  • is blue around the mouth or
  • is unable to breathe or
  • is hard to wake or
  • is floppy or
  • you are worried.

Most tamariki who cough with a cold get completely better and don’t need treatment.

But if your child has had a daily cough for longer than 4 weeks, see a health professional.

Caption and credit

Cough in children animation in te reo Māori.
Source: KidsHealth


E kitea nuitia ana te mare i te tamariki, inarā ko te hunga kura kōhungahunga.

He maha ngā pūtake o te maremare i te tamariki.

Ko te pūtake o te maremare e tino kitea ana ko te mate huaketo, pēnei i te rewharewha.

Ka pāngia pea ngā tamariki e ētahi rewharewha i ia tau.

E 2 ki te 3 wiki pea te pānga tonutanga o te mare whai muri i te rewharewha.

Ki te roa ake i te 4 wiki te mare i ia rā a tō tamaiti, toro atu ki tētahi ngaio hauora.

Waea atu ki Healthline ki 0800 611 116, toro atu rānei ki tētahi ngaio hauora mēnā e maremare ana tō tamaiti e pāngia nei e te rewharewha, ā:

  • he uaua ki a ia te hēhē, tērā rānei
  • he uaua ki a ia te kōrero, tērā rānei
  • ka hoihoi te hēhē

Me kōhukihuki te kawe atu i tō tamaiti ki tētahi ngaio hauora mēnā e pāngia ana ia e te maremare, ā:

  • he iti iho i te 3 marama te pakeke, tērā rānei
  • kei te hēmanawa ia, tērā rānei
  • kāore e taea e ia te whakaoti te katoa o tētahi rerenga kōrero, tērā rānei
  • he uaua te whāngai atu
  • e pēnei ana koe kua rāoa ia i tētahi mea, tērā rānei
  • kei te āwangawanga koe

Waea ki 111 mēnā e pāngia ana tō tamaiti e te maremare, ā:

  • he kahurangi i ngā taha o te waha, tērā rānei
  • kāore e taea e ia te hēhē, tērā rānei
  • he uaua te whakaoho i a ia, tērā rānei
  • he pītawitawi ia, tērā rānei
  • kei te āwangawanga koe

Ko te nuinga o ngā tamariki e mare nei, nā te rewharewha te take, ka piki katoa te ora ki a rātou me te kore e hiahia ki te maimoatanga.

Heoi anō, ki te roa ake i te 4 wiki te mare i ia rā a tō tamaiti, toro atu ki tētahi ngaio hauora.

Caption and credit

Cough in children animation in Samoan.
Source: KidsHealth


O le tale e masani ona maua ai tamaiti, aemaise lava i tamaiti a‘oga faata‘ita‘i.

E tele mafua‘aga o le tale i tamaiti.

O le mafua‘aga e sili ona taatele o le tale, o se faama‘i pipisi e pei o le fulū.

E mafai ona maua tamaiti i le fulū i tausaga taitasi.

E mafai ona fetalei i latou i le 2 i le 3 vaiaso pe‘a malolosi mai i le fulū.

Afai na tale lou alo i aso uma mo le umi atu i le 4 vaiaso, va‘ai se foma‘i soifua maloloina.

Vala‘au le Healthline i le 0800 611 116 pe va‘ai se foma‘i soifua maloloina pe afai o loo tale lou alo mai le fulū ma:

  • ua faigatā ona mānava pe
  • o loo faigata ona tautala pe
  • e taagulugulu le mānava

Va‘ai faanatinati se foma‘i soifua maloloina pe afai e tale lou aloa ma:

  • o loo i lalo ifo o le 3 masina lona matua pe
  • ua faigatā ona mānava pe
  • e le mafai ona faa‘uma se fuai‘upu atoa pe
  • o loo faigatā ona fafaga
  • e te manatu ua laoa ise mea pe
  • ua e popole tele

Vala‘au le 111 pe afai e tale lou alo ma:

  • ua lanu moana autafa o le gutu pe
  • ua le mafai ona mānava pe
  • ua faigatā ona ala pe
  • ua galemu le tino pe
  • ua e popole tele

O le tele o tamaiti e fetalei ona o le fulū e toe fo‘i lava ina malolosi atoatoa ma e le manaʻomia ni togafitiga.

Ae afai na tale i aso uma lou alo mo le umi atu i le 4 vaiaso, ua tatau ona va‘ai se foma‘i soifua maloloina.

Caption and credit

Cough in children animation in Tongan.
Source: KidsHealth


‘Oku angamaheni pē ke tale ‘a e fānaú, tautautefito ki he fānau ako tokamu‘á.

‘Oku lahi ‘a e ngaahi tupu‘anga ‘o e tale ‘a e fānaú.

Ko e tupu‘anga angamaheni taha ‘o e talé ko ha mahaki pipihi, hangē ko ha ki‘i momoko.

‘E lava ke ma‘u ‘e he fānaú ha ki‘i momoko laka hake he tu‘o tahá ‘i he ta‘u.

‘E lava ke hokohoko atu ‘enau talé ‘i ha uike ‘e 2 ki he 3 hili hano ma‘u ha ki‘i momoko.

Kapau ‘oku tale faka‘aho ho‘o tamá ‘o lōloa ange ‘i he uike ‘e 4, sio ki ha tokotaha ngāue palofesinale ki he mo‘ui leleí.

Telefoni ki he Healthline ‘i he fika 0800 611 116 pe sio ki ha tokotaha ngāue palofesinale ki he mo‘ui leleí kapau ‘oku tale ho‘o ki‘i tama ‘oku ma‘u ‘e he momokó pea:

  • faingata‘a ‘ene mānavá pe
  • faingata‘a ke lea pe
  • longoa‘a ‘ene mānavá

Sio ki ha tokotaha ngāue palofesinale ki he mo‘ui leleí ‘i he vave tahá kapau ko ho‘o tamá ‘oku tale mo:

  • si‘isi‘i hifo ‘i he māhina ‘e 3 pe
  • faingata‘a ke fakatau ‘ene mānavá pe
  • ‘ikai lava ke ne fakalea kakato ha fo‘i sētesi pe
  • faingata‘a ‘ene kaí
  • ‘okú ke fakakaukau ‘oku lo‘oa ‘i ha me‘a pe
  • ‘okú ke hoha‘a

Telefoni ki he 111 kapau ‘oku tale ho‘o tamá pea:

  • takataka‘uli takatakai ‘a e ngutú pe
  • ‘ikai lava ke mānava pe
  • ‘oku faingata‘a ke faka‘aaki pe
  • ‘oku ngāvaivai hono sinó pe
  • ‘okú ke hoha‘a

Ko e tokolahi taha ‘a e fānau ‘oku ma‘u ‘e ha ki‘i momoko pea ‘oku nau tale ‘oku lava ke nau sai lelei pea ‘ikai fiema‘u ha faito‘o.

Ka e kapau ‘oku tale faka‘aho ho‘o tamá ‘o lōloa ange ‘i he uike ‘e 4, sio ki ha tokotaha ngāue palofesinale ki he mo‘ui leleí.

Watch an animation on cough in children in your preferred language.

Key points about coughing in children

  • coughing is common in tamariki, especially in preschoolers
  • causes of cough include colds, asthma and chest infections
  • being around smoking and vaping often causes tamariki to cough even when they are well
  • many tamariki will keep coughing for about 2 to 3 weeks after a cold
  • a cough that lasts more than 4 weeks may be a sign of more serious disease
  • see a health professional if your child has had a cough and a fever, is having trouble breathing, or the cough has lasted more than 4 weeks

Cough in children

Coughing is common in tamariki, especially in preschoolers.

Tamariki can cough for about 2 to 3 weeks following a cold. 

Types of cough

A cough is usually wet or dry.

Wet cough

A wet cough sounds 'chesty'. You may hear or feel a ‘rattle’ when your child coughs.

Hear a wet cough
Audio file

Source: KidsHealth

Dry cough

A dry cough can sound irritated, harsh or barking. It’s less likely to produce mucus (phlegm).

Hear a dry cough
Audio file

Source: KidsHealth

Common causes of cough

Colds (upper respiratory tract infections)

Young tamariki can have several colds each year.  Tamariki can keep coughing for 2 to 3 weeks after a cold. 


An asthma-related cough is usually dry and happens at night, with activity, or in the early morning. Tamariki with an asthma-related cough usually have other symptoms such as wheeze. They may also have eczema or hay fever, or a history of asthma and allergy in the family. 

Being around smoking and vaping

Being around smoking and vaping can cause tamariki to cough even when they are well. Make sure your child's environment is smoke-free and vape-free. 

If you want to give up smoking or vaping, contact Quitline or talk with your health professional.

Chest infections

If your child has a wet, chesty, rattly cough and a fever, it is likely to be a chest infection. 

Whooping cough

Whooping cough causes long episodes of continuous coughing. 'Whoop' describes the sound that some tamariki make after coughing, when they catch their breath.

Hear a baby with whooping cough
Audio file

Source: KidsHealth

Whooping cough can cause very serious illness in pēpi and young tamariki. Older tamariki usually get a less severe disease but the cough can be very distressing.

The best protection against whooping cough is vaccination. 

  • whooping cough vaccination is free during pregnancy and helps protect pēpi in their first weeks of life
  • vaccinating pēpi when they turn 6 weeks old helps keep them protected 

Whooping Cough Immunisation


Croup may cause a harsh or barking cough.

Hear a croup cough
Audio file

Source: KidsHealth

Croup In Children

When to get medical help for a cough

Call Healthline or see a health professional

Call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or see a health professional if your child has a cough and:

  • is having trouble breathing
  • is breathing fast
  • has a temperature higher than 38 degrees Celsius
  • is having trouble speaking
  • is wheezing
  • you think they could be having an allergic reaction
  • you’re worried

If your child has had a daily cough for longer than 4 weeks, take them to a health professional.

A daily cough for more than 4 weeks is not normal and may be a sign of more serious disease.

See a health professional urgently

See a health professional urgently if your child has a cough and:  

  • is under 3 months old
  • is struggling to breathe
  • can’t finish a whole sentence
  • is struggling to feed
  • you think they’ve choked on something
  • you're worried

Call 111

Call 111 within New Zealand (use the appropriate emergency number in other countries) and ask for urgent medical help if your child: 

  • is blue around the mouth
  • is unable to breathe
  • is hard to wake
  • is choking and can’t breathe
  • is floppy
  • you're worried

Wet cough lasting more than 4 weeks

If your child has a wet cough lasting more than 4 weeks, they may have a more serious disease such as bronchiectasis. It's very important to recognise this early. Take your child to a health professional.

Watch this video featuring former Warriors rugby league player Wairangi Koopu. It focuses on recognising the signs of infection that can lead to bronchiectasis, and acting on them. 

Caption and credit

A long-lasting wet cough can lead to the development of lung diseases such as bronchiectasis. See a video narrated by former Warriors rugby league player Wairangi Koopu. It focuses on recognising the signs of infection that can lead to bronchiectasis, and acting on them.

Source: Ministry of Health and Health TV


Wairingi Koopu (rugby league star):

Can you hear that? This is the sound of a child with chronic persistent wet cough. Scary, isn’t it? Whānau, this is a serious warning sign and should not be ignored. Your child needs urgent medical attention.

What is chronic persistent wet cough?

Dr Cass Byrnes (paediatric respiratory specialist, Starship Hospital):

A chronic persistent wet cough is a mucousy phlegmy fruity-sounding cough. It sounds like the children have got mucus down in their chest and it usually occurs most days and can go on for weeks at a time.

Here is an example.

This cough is not normal and may be a sign that your child has a serious chest infection. It is important that your child sees a doctor as they could develop a serious lung disease.

What happens if chronic persistent wet cough is not treated?

If a chronic persistent wet cough is not treated it can go on for weeks and even months, and it’s a sign that there’s an ongoing chest infection in the lungs and it essentially is causing some permanent scarring in the lungs.

Wairingi Koopu:

Chronic persistent wet cough if left untreated can lead to lung damage and disease such as bronchiectasis.

What is bronchiectasis?

Bronchiectasis is a chest disease in which the breathing tubes called bronchi in the lungs become damaged and enlarged. Tiny hairs called cilia line the inside of these breathing tubes. These hairs help to collect any phlegm or mucus from the lungs.

When your child has bronchiectasis their lungs make more mucus than normal. The tiny hairs that should clear the mucus stop working properly and the mucus gets stuck in the breathing tubes. It is within this extra mucus that germs grow and cause infection.

These infections cause damage and scarring to the breathing tubes and lungs. The breathing tubes become baggy and holes form in the lungs. Once this has happened the scarring and damage cannot be fixed.

What causes bronchiectasis?

Dr Cass Byrnes:

Bronchiectasis is a type of permanent lung scarring which is caused by having ongoing infection in your lungs. That mucus means that there’s mucus and bugs down there and it’s breaking up some of the lung walls and doing lung damage.

What are the symptoms of bronchiectasis?

Wairingi Koopu:

Children with bronchiectasis will feel well most of the time but the main symptom to look out for is the chronic persistent wet cough. This cough produces a build-up of phlegm which may be yellow or green in colour and smelly, showing signs of infection. It is important that you seek medical attention if your child has these symptoms.

What happens if we ignore this symptom?

Dr Cass Byrnes:

Ignoring the chronic persistent wet cough means that you’re going to go on and develop more and more lung scarring. That cough shows that there are problems in the lung. It shows that there is a build-up of mucus, that there is infection and the more and longer that that goes on, the more damage that that lung is going to have permanently lifelong, and set the child up for recurrent further infections.

How can bronchiectasis be prevented?

Wairingi Koopu:


not smoking during pregnancy

breastfeeding our tamariki

early detection and treatment of chest infections in childhood

improving living conditions

eating a healthy balanced diet


We visit the Hiko whānau who deal daily with the effects of having tamariki with bronchiectasis.

Henrietta Hiko (mother of twins):

The illness has changed our lives immensely. I have to give up everything pretty much to go back and forth to the hospital when the girls are sick. They’re sick at the moment but they don’t look it, but I know that they’re sick.

How can a parent manage bronchiectasis? What can they do?

Kimberley Taylor (physiotherapist, Hawkes Bay District Health Board):

Some easy ways that parents can help to manage their tamariki’s bronchiectasis are to get them more active. Exercising outside, running around, on the trampoline, anything that makes them huff and puff, because when you’re huffing and puffing you’re getting air circulating all the way down to the bottom of your lungs and that helps to shift the mucus.

Other things that are really good to help with managing bronchiectasis are to keep your whare auahi kore – so keeping your tamariki smoke-free and telling your whānau to keep outside of the whare when they’re smoking and out of the waka when they’re smoking.

Wairingi Koopu:

If you are concerned about your child's health, please seek medical attention.

For more information please visit the Asthma Foundation website.

Treatments for cough in children

Most tamariki with a cough don't need medical treatment. The cough usually gets better within 2 to 3 weeks.

Avoid cough medicine

Cough medicines are not useful for treating cough. Avoid giving your child cough medicine unless recommended by your health professional.

Antibiotics don't help coughing caused by a viral infection

Antibiotics are not helpful for a cough caused by a viral infection. If the cause of your child's cough is a bacterial infection in the throat or chest, your health professional may prescribe antibiotics.

Honey may be helpful

Honey may be helpful for a cough caused by a cold. But, wait until your baby is at least 12 months old before giving them honey - it can make young pēpi (babies) sick.

Paracetamol if needed

You can give paracetamol if your child is in discomfort or miserable with a fever. You must follow the dosage instructions on the bottle or packet. It is dangerous to give more than the recommended dose.

Keeping children well

There are some things you can try to reduce your child’s chances of becoming unwell with a cough.


Breastfeeding pēpi protects them from illness by boosting their immune system. Breastfeeding beyond 4 months of age offers the best protection.

Smoke-free and vape-free environment

Keep your child’s environment smoke-free and vape-free. If you want to give up smoking or vaping, contact Quitline or talk with your health professional or whānau.

A warm house

Keeping the house warm, dry and well-insulated will also decrease your child’s chance of becoming unwell with a cough. 

Keeping Your Home Warm & Dry


Make sure your child is up to date with all their vaccinations. Vaccination can help prevent many coughing illnesses including:

  • whooping cough
  • pneumonia
  • flu

Immunisation Overview

Stay away from people with coughs and colds

Try to keep young pēpi away from people who have coughs and colds.

Hand hygiene

Use hand sanitiser or encourage frequent hand washing with soap and water to reduce the spread of infections.

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