Displaying 11 results tagged with ‘Managing Sleep Problems’
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Helpful Sleep Strategies & Podcasts
There are many reasons why tamariki (children) may be having trouble with their sleep. The Murdoch Children's Research Institute has podcasts and sleep strategies that can help you to manage some of the sleep issues tamariki may have.Melatonin For Sleep Problems
Sleep problems are common in tamariki (children). In most tamariki, healthy sleep habits will sort out their sleep problems. If your child does need more help, using a medicine such as melatonin will work better if healthy sleep habits are in place.Overnight Oximetry
An oximetry test measures the amount of oxygen in the blood and can be used to assess your child's breathing during sleep.Rewards For Managing Sleep Problems
Rewards can really motivate a child to improve their behaviour. They work best if given soon after the behaviour, not after a few days.Checking Method For Managing Sleep Problems
If your child is anxious about going to sleep or you think it may be hard to keep them in their bedroom, then using the 'checking method' may be helpful.Camping Out Method For Managing Sleep Problems
If your child is anxious about going to sleep, then 'camping out' may be helpful. You put a chair or camp bed next to your child's bed and gradually remove the chair as your child begins to fall asleep alone.Bedtime Pass For Managing Sleep Problems
For tamariki (children) who have a difficult time staying in their bedroom or cry out, making a bedtime pass for your child may be valuable.Bedtime Fading For Managing Sleep Problems
Putting tamariki (children) to bed when they are not tired increases the chances of bedtime struggles. Therefore, for some tamariki it is best to start by setting the bedtime at the time they usually fall asleep and gradually making the bedtime earlier.Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea.Polysomnography Sleep Test
Polysomnography (PSG) is a special type of sleep test which provides the most detailed information about breathing problems during sleep.