Developmental Disability

Check this section for an overview of some specific conditions. You can also watch a series of videos about parenting a child with Down syndrome. Mel's son, Ryan, was diagnosed after birth with Down syndrome. Mel talks about the first 24 hours after receiving the unexpected news, the challenges associated with raising Ryan, how it's affected her relationship with her husband, and her parenting style. You might also find the section on disability support helpful.

Young girl with disability smiling to camera while at the track in a stadium

All young children have a limited attention span and sometimes do things without thinking. If these are severe enough to interfere with their learning and social relationships, in more than one setting, they can be a sign of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Autism-takiwātanga is a difference in development that affects communication, social skills and behaviour. If your child does have autism-takiwātanga, there are services available to support your child, you and your whānau. 

Cerebral palsy (CP) affects children in different ways. If you have found out your child has CP, your journey might be different from what you had planned. There are services to help your child with CP to reach their potential. Each child and family's journey is different. 

See some videos featuring Cerebral Palsy Youth Alliance members talking about the Freedoms Project. They give personal examples of the Freedom they are speaking about. The Freedoms are about individual rights, human rights and the equitable treatment everyone deserves. 

Meet Mel and her family in a series of video clips. Mel is mother to 3 boys - Jamie, Ryan and Ethan. Her middle son Ryan was diagnosed after birth with Down syndrome.

A series of 6 video clips featuring Melanie Mora and her family. Mel is mother to 3 boys - Jamie, Ryan and Ethan. She talks about her experience of receiving a post-birth diagnosis of Down syndrome for her middle son Ryan.