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Caption and credit

A video exploring ways to be a good role model to help your baby develop healthy eating habits.
Source: KidsHealth


[Music throughout video]

[Muffled conversation]


Your baby learns about food from watching you.

[Muffled conversation]


Be a good role model. You can set a good example by eating a variety of healthy foods - the kind of foods you'd like your baby to eat now and in the future.




What did you do at school today? What did you do at lunchtime?

[Mealtime sounds]

Child 1

I did planting.


Oh that's right.


Planting ... where? Back field?


What did you plant? Did you plant plants or seeds?

Child 2


Child 1



And were they flower seeds?


What kind of seeds were they?

Key messages in other languages

Ka ako tō pēpi mō te kai mā te mātakitaki i a koe.

Me tauira pai koe.  Ka taea e koe te whakarite i tētahi tauira pai mā te kai i ngā kai hauora rerekē – ngā momo kai e hiahia ana koe kia kai tō pēpi ināianei, ā muri ake hoki.

Ko e fakaako e tama haau ke he tau mena kai he kitia e ia mai ia koe.

Fakakite e mahani kua tonu.  Fakakite e koe e tonu ke kai e tau faga mena kai huhua mitaki – tau mena kai ne loto a koe ke kai he muke haau ai nei poke a anoiha. 

E a‘oa‘oina lau pepe aga‘i i mea‘ai i lona matā‘ia o oe.

Ia fai oe ma fa‘ata‘ita‘iga lelei.  E mafai ona e faia se fa‘ata‘ita‘iga lelei pe a e aiinaa itu‘aiga mea‘ai paleni ‘ese‘ese – itu‘aiga mea‘ai ‘ese‘ese e te mana‘o e ‘ai e lau pepe nei ma le lumana‘i.

Ko tau pepe e akoako ki nā meakai mai i te kikila atu ki a te koe.

Kavea ma fakatakitakiga lelei.  E mafai ke fai e koe he fakatakitakiga lelei i te kai ki nā meakai ola mālōlō kehekehe – nā itūkāiga meakai e fofou koe ke kai e tau pepe nei ma te lumanaki.

‘Oku ako ‘a ho‘o pēpee´ felāve‘i mo e me‘atokoni´ mei´ he ‘ene siofi koe´.

Hoko ko ha fa‘ifa‘itaki‘anga lelei.  Te ke tā ha sīpinga lelei ‘aki ha‘o kai ha ngaahi me‘atokoni fakatupu mo‘ui lelei kehekehe – ha fa‘ahinga me‘atokoni ‘oku´ ke faka‘amu ke kai ‘e ho‘o pēpee´ ‘i he taimi´ ni mo e kaha‘u´.

Ka kite taau pepe i tana kia rave no runga i te kai, na roto i te akara atu anga i taau ka rave.

Kia riro koe ei akara‘anga tau.  E rave koe i tei tau ei akara‘anga na roto i te kai ‘anga i te au tu kai memeitaki tuketuke – te au kai taau ka anoano kia kai taau pepe i teia tuatau e te au tuatau ki mua.




以身作則。您可以藉由食用多種健康食物 (您希望您的寶寶現在及將來吃的食物) 來樹立模範。

아기는 부모의 행동을 봄으로써 음식에 대해 배웁니다.

모범을 보입시다.  몸에 좋은 음식, 즉 아기가 앞으로 먹어주었으면 하는 종류의 음식을 골고루 먹음으로써 아기에게 모범을 보일 수 있습니다.

Key messages

Your baby learns about food from watching you.

Be a good role model. You can set a good example by eating a variety of healthy foods - the kind of foods you'd like your baby to eat now and in the future.

PlunketLine offers parenting advice, including advice about feeding your baby.

Healthy Eating Habits

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