What to do about formula when you're away from home
Before leaving home
- measure the correct amount of cooled, boiled water for one feed into a cleaned bottle and firmly screw the lid on (the bottle should be sterilised if your baby is under 6 months)
- put the correct amount of formula powder in a cleaned container (the container should be sterilised if your baby is under 6 months)
- prepare an extra bottle of water and enough extra powder (in a second container) to allow for delays
At feeding time
- mix the water and powder only when your baby needs a feed
- if you are travelling by car, stop to feed your baby
- when your baby is over 6 months, they may need extra drinks of water on a long trip, especially in summer
If you are travelling and need to take prepared formula
Don't warm it before you travel. Put the prepared formula in a chilly bin or insulated bag and use it within 2 hours.
Watch the video and find out how to make baby's formula.