What Food From 7-8 Months Video Transcript

What Food From 7-8 Months Video Transcript


Video transcript for what food from 7-8 months?


[Baby sounds]


Keep giving your baby breast milk or formula before solids. Give more variety and texture as baby grows older.

[Background conversation]


Plunket clinical advisor

Look at his mouth going. He's really enjoying that isn't he? [Laughter]  You like that? That's good. We can tell. Look at Mummy. 





A good tip is to try mixing foods that have a range of tastes. Mixing less popular foods in with more popular ones may help encourage your baby to accept a wide variety of foods.



Emily is having, um, uh, a combination of pumpkin kamokamo, um, silverbeet mash that um, I premake and just freeze and have on the go.

Voice off screen

And how old is Emily?


Emily is 7 and a half months. Emily? Hey honey, honey. Is it yummy?


Mum [making sounds to baby]

Umm umm umm. Umm umm umm. 

This page last reviewed 22 July 2013.

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