Important Contacts For Your Child With Cancer

Important Contacts For Your Child With Cancer

Keep a record of the people you may need to contact about your child's cancer care. This will include your child's treatment team, your local hospital as well as any other contacts you may need.


You can print this page and then fill it out with your child's details and the names and numbers of your child's treatment team and other useful contacts.

Your child's details

These are the details the hospital will have from your child's hospital records.  If someone from your child's treatment team needs to contact you, these are the details they will use.  Please let them know if your details change or need updating.

Your child's name:

NHI number:

Home address:

Home telephone:

The hospital will also collect the name, mobile and work numbers of your child's parent or caregiver. Please let the hospital know if these details need updating.

Your child's treatment team and other contacts

It's a good idea to write down the contact name and phone number for your child's key contacts.


Nurse specialist:

Social worker:

Shared care link nurse (for those outside Auckland and Christchurch):

Shared care paediatrician (for those outside Auckland and Christchurch):

Community nurse:

GP (general practitioner):

Pharmacy, local:

Other (for example, Child Cancer Foundation):

Read more about childhood cancer


All the pages in the childhood cancer section of this website have been written by health professionals who work in the field of paediatric oncology. They have been reviewed by the members of the National Child Cancer Network (NZ). Medical information is authorised by the National Child Cancer Network Clinical Leader.

This page last reviewed 24 June 2021.

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