Develop Healthy Eating Habits By Eating Together As A Family


Develop Healthy Eating Habits By Eating Together As A Family

It takes a little work to bring everyone together for meals. But it's worth it and the whole family eats better.

Eat together as a family whenever you can

Eat together as a family whenever you can: Video transcript


It takes a little work to bring everyone together for meals. But it's worth it and the whole family eats better.

You may not be able to eat together every day. Try to have family meals most days of the week. Weekend breakfasts or lunches count too!

If your baby is in a high chair, bring it up to the table. Talk together.

Eat meals together as a family from the start. That way, it becomes a habit.

Your baby can start learning about food and eating by watching what you do at mealtimes.

Create a positive mealtime environment. Try not to worry about spilt food and drinks.

Focus on the meal and each other. Turning off television and phones can help make meals a stress-free time.

Check KidsHealth's section on healthy eating habits

Check KidsHealth's infant nutrition section

This page last reviewed 22 November 2022.

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