The Well Child Tamariki Ora 'My health book' is a parent information, health and immunisation record for your child from birth to 5 years. You should receive a free copy after the birth of your child. If you haven't received one, ask your lead maternity carer (LMC), your family doctor or Well Child provider for a copy.
'My health book' reminds you about all the things that you can do to keep your child healthy and safe.

Keep the book somewhere safe and write down all the special and important things that happen to your child. Take it with you every time you take your child to a health appointment.
The last section in your Well Child Tamariki Ora 'My health book' is for you and your Well Child providers to record your child's development. Before each of the scheduled Well Child Tamariki Ora checks, this section prompts you to think about your child's development and to raise any concerns you might have. There is a list of some things to talk about at your child's next check.