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The Well Child Tamariki Ora Programme

Make sure you join up with Plunket or another Well Child Tamariki Ora service as soon as your baby is born. They can see your baby when your midwife finishes visiting you. Your midwife can help you to choose the Well Child Tamariki Ora service that's right for you.

Caption and credit

A video about Well Child Tamariki Ora visits.
Source: Ministry of Health


Title: Your Child: Well Child Tamariki Ora Visits. Episode 15 of 15.

[Photographs of babies.]

Erika (voice-over): I love what I do. I'm passionate about what I do. I love working with babies and families to achieve positive healthy outcomes.

[Interview with Erika.]

Title: Erika Ware, Well Child Tamariki Ora Nurse

Erika: Kia ora. I'm Erika, and I'm a Tamariki Ora Nurse. I have been doing this job for the last fourteen years, on and off.

[Shots of Erika and other Well Child Tamariki Ora Nurses arriving at houses and greeting families.]

Erika (voice-over): The Tamariki Ora service is free to all. Everyone is entitled to a Well Child Nurse, where they will undergo checks and assessments. We are there just to see how mum and baby have been going, and even the whole family – what they've been up to, any issues they may have – but just to be there and to support them. Your midwife can help you choose a Well Child service, and then if at any time you are not happy with that service, you are more than welcome to change.

[Shots of Well Child Tamariki Ora nurses interacting with children and families.]

Erika (voice-over): Your Well Child visits start from four to six weeks, and carries through until your child turns five. In the early stages, Well Child Nurses visit more regularly, because baby is so young, and it's important to connect with the family and build that relationship, and you can work with the family.

[Shots of Well Child Tamariki Ora Nurses measuring children.]

Erika (voice-over): Every time we go and do a Well Child check, we always assess the growth and development of the child. We will always weigh the baby, and measure how long they are, how much they've grown, and also their head circumference. It's a very exciting time for mum and dad and the family, to see how much baby has put on weight and has grown. It is exciting for them, and it’s neat to see them get excited.

[Interview with Erika.]

Erika: We also assess things like safety, sleeping, nutrition, teeth. Those kinds of things are the main areas we always look at.

[Erika talks to a parent.]

Erika (voice-over): You can also get on the phone, and give your Well Child Nurse a call. If it's just about advice, or anything you want to know, you are most welcome to do that.

[Shots of brochures and Erika browsing the internet.]

Erika (voice-over): You can also call PlunketLine. You can also call Healthline. And there's also your GP services available as well.

[Erika holds up a Well Child Tamariki Ora health book.]

Erika: Outside of our visits, every child will receive their Well Child Tamariki Ora health book, which is filled with lots of information – all of their measurements, their weight, their progress, and support for every age and stage of your child. It is all in here.

[Shots of Well Child Tamariki Ora Nurses interacting with children and families.]

Erika (voice-over): I love being able to connect with family in the community – to bond with them, to learn about them, and to help them on their way, on their journey with raising their children. At the end of the day, that makes me feel awesome that I'm able to be a part of it.

[Erika gets into her car and drives off.]

Title: Our thanks to the families and health workers who appeared in this video for the Ministry of Health. 

The 3 parts of the service will support you to make sure your child grows and develops to their full potential. 

Health and development assessments

Providing reassurance that your child is developing normally, through growth and development assessments, and informing you about other services to keep your child healthy.

Care and support for you and your whānau

Supporting and helping you and your whānau to identify your needs as you care for your child, and linking you with community and other services.

Health education

Supporting you to gain the knowledge and skills to respond to your child's needs at the different stages of their development.

Well Child Tamariki Ora providers

You can choose who will carry out your child's Well Child Tamariki Ora care.  

A Well Child provider is usually a nurse who has had extra training in supporting parents and caregivers to care for their pēpi (babies) and preschool tamariki (children). The nurse can be from a range of organisations including Plunket and Māori and Pacific Well Child Tamariki Ora providers.

Well Child Tamariki Ora visits

Find out what happens at each Well Child Tamariki Ora visit.

Hearing and vision checks, dental care and vaccination 

Hearing and vision checks, dental care and vaccination are an important part of Well Child care.

Hearing & Vision Checks For Babies

Hearing & Vision Checks For Preschool Children

 Vaccination Overview

Dental Care For Your Child

The Well Child Tamariki Ora 'My health book'

'My health book' is a parent information, health and vaccination record for your child from birth to 5 years. 

You should receive a free copy after your baby's birth. If you don't have one, ask your lead maternity carer (LMC) or Well Child provider for a copy.

'My health book' reminds you about all the things that you can do to keep your child healthy and safe.

Keep the book somewhere safe and write down all the special and important things that happen to your child. Take it with you every time you take your child to a health appointment.

The last section in your Well Child Tamariki Ora 'My health book' is for you and your Well Child providers to record your child's development. Before each of the scheduled Well Child Tamariki Ora checks, this section prompts you to think about your child's development and to raise any concerns you might have. There is a list of some things to talk about at your child's next check.

PlunketLine for advice and support

When you call PlunketLine, a Plunket nurse will answer your call. The nurse can give you advice and information on parenting issues and your child's health and wellbeing.

You can also get free online specialist support with breastfeeding and sleep through PlunketLine.

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