Key points on newborn sleep
- newborns will sleep for an average of 14 to 17 hours each day
- they often sleep for 2 to 3 hours at a time
- newborn pēpi (babies) often have an irregular sleep pattern with no set pattern
- pēpi often develop a more regular sleep-wake cycle as they grow older
- newborns have cycles of both active sleep and quiet sleep
- the most important things in the early months are responding to your baby and being flexible
- if you have concerns about your baby's sleep, seek support from a trained healthcare professional
Where to put your baby to sleep
Put your baby in their own bed for every sleep (such as a cot, bassinet, wahakura or Pēpi-Pod®).
Have your baby's bed in the same room as you for at least the first 6 months.
It is never safe to put pēpi to sleep in an adult bed, on a couch or on a chair.
Look at KidsHealth's information on safe sleep to learn more about making the sleeping environment safe for your newborn.
Newborn sleep - what to expect
Newborns sleep for a large part of the day and night, and they wake often. During the first 3 months of life, pēpi sleep for around 14 to 17 hours each day. They sleep in blocks of 2 to 3 hours at a time.
All pēpi are different, so sleep patterns can vary and are unpredictable. Some newborns may sleep for longer stretches. Others may need to wake up often to feed or be comforted.

Learn more on the Raising Children website about what to expect of your newborn's sleep in the first few months of their life.
Do newborns have sleep cycles?
Newborns don't know the difference between day and night. They need to feed often to grow, so they wake frequently. Newborns have 2 types of sleep cycles:
- active (REM) sleep
- quiet (non-REM) sleep
During active sleep pēpi often move and twitch. During quiet sleep, they are still and less likely to wake.
A video showing a baby in light or active sleep state
Source: Association of Infant Mental Health UK
A video showing a baby in a deep or quiet sleep state.
Source: Association of Infant Mental Health UK

Check out the Raising Children website to learn more about newborn sleep cycles and why sleep is important.
Some signs your newborn is tired
Newborns may show the following signs if they are tired:
- closing fists
- rubbing eyes
- yawning
- fluttering eyelids or difficulty focusing
- staring into space
- making jerky arm and leg movements
- arching backwards
- frowning or looking worried
- sucking on fingers - this could be a good sign and might mean that your baby is trying to find ways to settle to sleep
Newborns can get tired very quickly. Some may show tired signs after an hour of being awake. Others may show no tired signs for 2 or more hours.
A video showing some of the cues a baby may give when they're tired.
Source: Raising Children Australia

Check the Whānau Āwhina Plunket website for more information on signs to look out for when your newborn is tired.
Settling a newborn to sleep
You may want to resettle your newborn if they wake up but you think they need more sleep. You can try to settle them by doing things such as talking or singing to them, stroking their forehead or gently patting them. If this doesn't work, you may need to pick them up to cuddle or feed them. As they calm, you may see cues that your baby is still tired, and you may want to return them to their bed.
There is no right or wrong way to settle your baby, and different things will work for different pēpi and their whānau.
It can be difficult to settle some newborns back to sleep after they wake.
A video showing tips on settling your baby
Source: Raising Children Australia
Manaaki Tamariki, Kia au tō moe: Video tips from whānau on sleep for pēpē
Source: Te Hiringa Hauora | Health Promotion Agency
Where to get support
The first few months of life with a newborn can be challenging. If you are struggling to settle your baby or feel like they're not sleeping well, it's important to reach out for support.
Your health professional
If you are worried that your baby is unwell or showing signs of distress or pain, see your health professional so they can check your baby. You can also talk to your health professional if you need extra support with adjusting to life with your baby.
You can also contact PlunketLine and Healthline for free advice and support.
PlunketLine is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on 0800 933 922 for advice and support for you, your baby and your whānau. Calls are free from cell phones. You do not need to be registered with Plunket to use this service.
Healthline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0800 611 116. Call Healthline if you need advice about a child of any age who is unwell, hurt, or has any symptoms of sickness. It's free to callers throughout New Zealand, including from a mobile phone.