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KidsHealth Content Collections

Learning & Development

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Displaying 3 results tagged with ‘Learning & Development’

KidsHealth content collections show all content for a chosen topic. You can also use our site-wide keyword search or browse Health topics A to Z.

  • How Children Learn

    As a parent or caregiver, you are your child's first teacher and understand them better than anyone else. You can help your child's development during the important early years.
  • Play & Your Child's Development

    Play is how pēpē (babies) and tamariki (children) learn best. We don't need to formally 'teach' our young tamariki in order for them to learn. Ordinary household objects such as boxes, blankets, pots and pans can provide many hours of fun and learning.
  • Early Childhood Education

    You can build on the learning your child is gaining at home by enrolling them in early learning services. When choosing an early childhood education service, think about what's important for you and what will work best for you and your child.
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