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Key points about early childhood education

  • in Aotearoa New Zealand, there are many childhood education services catering for the different needs of families and whānau
  • each service works differently depending on the type of service you choose 
  • tamariki (children) learn lots of new skills by participating in early childhood education, building on the skills they learn at home and from their caregivers and whānau (family)

Benefits of early childhood education

Research shows that tamariki who are involved in quality early childhood education (ECE) benefit in many ways. These benefits also extend to their whānau and the wider community.

Taking part in ECE builds a strong foundation for your child's ongoing education, learning and development. Tamariki learn lots of new skills by participating in ECE, building on the skills they learn at home and from their caregivers and whānau.

Te Whāriki is the curriculum framework for the ECE sector. It covers the education and care of tamariki from birth to school age. New Zealand ECE services use Te Whāriki to guide children's learning opportunities.

Choosing an early childhood education service for your child

In Aotearoa New Zealand, there is a variety of early childhood education (ECE) services for caregivers and whānau to choose from. Each service works differently. 

When choosing a service, think about the location and what services are available in your local area. It's also important to think about operating hours, cost, parent involvement and the style of care or education that works best for you and your child. 

To find an ECE service in your area you could:

Early learning services available in Aotearoa New Zealand include:

  • Kōhanga Reo
  • kindergartens
  • education and care centres
  • in-home care
  • Montessori
  • Rudolf Steiner
  • Playcentre
  • playgroups
  • Ngā Puna Kōhungahunga (Māori-focused playgroups)
  • Pacific Island-focused playgroups
  • Early Childhood Service of The Correspondence School

Once you have decided which ECE service you are interested in, arrange a visit. Then you can ask all the questions you need and get a feel for the service. If you like the service, you may want to arrange more than one visit with your child.

Childcare Subsidy

The Childcare Subsidy can help families whose income is below a certain level. It contributes to childcare costs. 

20 Hours ECE

20 Hours ECE can help you with the cost of early childhood education.

If you have a 3 or 4 year old, or a 5 year old child who is not enrolled at primary school, you can apply for 20 Hours ECE. 

Getting involved in your young child's learning

You play an important part in supporting your young child's learning.

To help you do this, there is information about how tamariki learn. There are also tips on how you can support their learning through interactive, fun, easy, everyday activities that you can do at home, and while out and about - from birth until they start school. 

Playing with your baby, toddler or young child is one of the best things you can do to support their learning.

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