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When vision screening happens

In Aotearoa New Zealand, there are 2 screenings for some vision problems in pēpi and tamariki.

The first vision screening happens soon after your baby is born.

The next vision screening happens when your child is around 4 years of age. This is part of their B4 School Check.

What happens if my child misses their screening?

If your child missed their screening, it's important they have this screening in their first year at school. Contact your child's school to make sure the vision hearing technician screens your child on their next visit.

Does vision screening find all vision problems? 

No. This screening does not find all vision problems.

If you have questions about your child's vision screening, call Healthline (0800 611 116) or talk to the vision hearing technician who screened your child, an optometrist, ophthalmologist or a health professional.

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Healthline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0800 611 116. Call Healthline if you need advice about a child of any age who is unwell, hurt, or has any symptoms of sickness. It's free to callers throughout New Zealand, including from a mobile phone.

Call Healthline 0800 611 116

Reasons why children might need a full eye test

A full eye test is recommended for all pēpi and tamariki who:

  • have a squint (strabismus) or a lazy eye (amblyopia) 
  • needed strong glasses at an early age (refractive error)
  • were premature (30 weeks gestation or less)
  • have developmental delay

If none of the above apply to your child, it's still best to have an eye check is there is a family history of squint, lazy eye or strong glasses at an early age.

The best time for your child to have an eye check is between the ages of  2 and a half and 3 years. At this age, your child will be old enough for a very accurate vision test and it is still early enough to manage any problems.

Remember to see a health professional if you have any other concerns about your baby's eyes.

Squint In Children

Signs Of Vision Or Eye Problems In Children

Vision Development In The First Year

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