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Key points about hearing and vision checks for school-age children

  • screening for some vision problems for your child should happen around 11 or 12 years of age
  • if you have concerns about your child's vision or hearing at any time, take your child for an assessment
  • if your child does have a hearing or vision problem, finding it as early as possible is good for their learning and development

Hearing checks for older children

The last hearing check your child received was at 4 or 5 years of age. Your child will not have their hearing checked at school so if you are concerned about your child's hearing, it's important you visit a health professional. Your health professional may refer your child to the hospital for an assessment by a hearing specialist (audiologist).

Vision checks for older children

All tamariki (children) should have their distance vision screened when they reach year 7 (when they are around 11 or 12 years of age). Vision hearing technicians will do this screening at your child's school.

You will get the results of this screening in the mail or they will come home with your child.

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