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All genders

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Displaying 802 results tagged with ‘All genders’

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  • Nutrition & Childhood Cancer

    All tamariki (children) need to eat well to stay healthy and to grow well. Eating well means eating the right balance of a wide variety of foods. For tamariki who have cancer, eating well is especially important.
  • Coping With A Natural Disaster

    Following a traumatic event like a natural disaster, it is normal for children, teenagers and adults to have strong feelings, reactions, and changes in behaviour. Children learn from their parents’ responses, as well as what they see and hear in the media.
  • Gabapentin For Pain Relief

    Information for parents and carers about the use of gabapentin for neuropathic pain (pain caused by nerve damage).
  • How To Help Your Child Manage Diabetes As They Grow & Develop

    Helping children and young people with diabetes to move towards self-management has 3 key parts: having knowledge, having skills, having support.
  • Hygiene & Hand Washing

    Cleaning your hands gets rid of germs you pick up from other people. Keeping your hands clean is one of the best ways to keep from getting sick and spreading illnesses.
  • Fatigue Due To Chemotherapy

    Many tamariki (children) with cancer experience fatigue (extreme tiredness). Many tamariki are experiencing fatigue at the time of diagnosis. Most tamariki with cancer experience fatigue during treatment.
  • Hair Loss Due To Chemotherapy

    Hair loss happens when chemotherapy interrupts normal hair growth. Hair loss is usually temporary and your child's hair may regrow even before treatment ends.
  • Sun Sensitivity Due To Chemotherapy

    Chemotherapy will make your child's skin more sensitive to the sun and more likely to burn more easily. Sunscreen (SPF30 or more), a hat and clothing which covers the skin are very important.
  • Constipation Due To Chemotherapy

    Constipation is when a child is doing poo less often than usual, or is having difficulty doing poo, or the poo is hard.
  • Loss Of Appetite Due To Chemotherapy

    Loss of appetite for food (anorexia) is one of the most common problems caused by cancer treatment. Your child's healthcare team will monitor your child's weight carefully during treatment.
  • Nausea & Vomiting Due To Chemotherapy

    Nausea and vomiting are common problems during cycles of chemotherapy, and can sometimes last for several days after the chemotherapy treatment stops. 
  • Sore Mouth Due To Chemotherapy

    The lining of your child's mouth and throat becomes weak during chemotherapy treatment. This can lead to inflammation and ulcers. Good mouth care will help avoid infection and will make things more comfortable for your child.
  • Low Platelet Count Due To Chemotherapy

    A low platelet count is called thrombocytopenia. Signs of a low platelet count are bruising, bleeding from the nose, gums or other parts of the body, black poo, or vomit with specks of blood in it.
  • Low Red Blood Cell Count Due To Chemotherapy

    A low red blood cell count is called anaemia. It causes tiredness, shortness of breath, pale skin and gums, headache and dizziness.
  • Low White Cell Count & Infection During Chemotherapy

    A low white cell count is called neutropenia. Neutropenia leads to an increased infection risk. If your child is neutropenic and gets an infection, they can become seriously ill quickly.
  • Low Blood Count Due To Chemotherapy

    Blood cells are the normal cells most often affected by chemotherapy. A low blood count means having fewer new cells in the blood than is normal.
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