Displaying 7 results tagged with ‘Chest and back’
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- To give others easy access to KidsHealth's animation on croup, you can share a QR code poster. You can watch the animation in English, Samoan, Tongan or te reo Māori. Anyone can scan the QR code with their phone and go straight to the KidsHealth croup animation in their preferred language.
Asthma Interval Symptoms
Some tamariki get asthma symptoms between asthma attacks. These symptoms are called interval symptoms. If your child has lots of interval symptoms, they may need a regular preventer inhaler. Or, they may need an increase or a change in their asthma treatment. Talk to your doctor.Spacers For Asthma Inhalers
A spacer is a clear plastic tube that helps deliver asthma medicine to the right place. Younger tamariki may need help to use a spacer, but as they grow older, they will be able to use a spacer themselves.Asthma Attacks In Children
Many tamariki have only mild asthma. But any child with asthma can have a severe, life-threatening attack. Find out about the symptoms of an asthma attack and what to do if your child does have an asthma attack.Managing Asthma In Children & Young People
In a series of videos, high school students talk about managing asthma, playing sport and what to do when they have an asthma attack.Asthma In Children
Asthma is a condition that leads to narrowing of the airways of the lungs. Symptoms include wheeze, cough and difficulty breathing.Croup In Children
Croup is a viral illness in young tamariki (children) which causes narrowing of the upper airways. Croup is often a mild illness but can quickly become serious, so don't hesitate to get medical help.