Key points about vitamin K for newborn babies
- vitamin K helps blood to clot and prevents serious bleeding
- all pēpi need vitamin K to produce clotting factors
- pēpi have low levels of vitamin K in their bodies at birth
- without vitamin K, pēpi are at risk of getting a rare bleeding disorder called VKDB (vitamin K deficiency bleeding) or HDN (haemorrhagic disease of the newborn)
- VKDB is serious and can cause brain damage or death
- a single vitamin K injection at birth is the most effective way of preventing VKDB
What is vitamin K?
Vitamin K is a substance in our bodies that helps our blood to clot and stops bleeding. Vitamin K is naturally present in the body and is made in the intestine from food.
Why vitamin K is important
All pēpi are born with low levels of vitamin K in their bodies.
Vitamin K is made naturally in the intestine but as newborn pēpi have very little bacteria in their intestine, they do not make enough. As pēpi grow, they will start to make enough vitamin K.
Breastmilk does contain vitamin K but in too small an amount to provide protection.
Too little vitamin K puts pēpi at risk of a rare disease called VKDB (vitamin K deficiency bleeding).
Babies most at risk of developing VKDB
All newborn pēpi have low levels of vitamin K and so they are at risk of VKDB. VKDB is rare and the chance of pēpi developing it is small, even if they have not received extra vitamin K. But, if pēpi do develop VKDB, it can cause internal bleeding leading to death, or permanent damage to the brain and other organs.
Pēpi who are at increased risk of VKDB include:
- pēpi born to mothers taking certain medicines, such as some medicines for epilepsy and tuberculosis, and anti-coagulants - if you are on any of these medicines, talk to your health professional before your baby is born
- premature pēpi
- sick pēpi
- pēpi who have not received vitamin K at birth
- exclusively breastfed pēpi who have not had vitamin K at birth
When VKDB can happen
VKDB can happen in the first day of a baby's life but this is rare. It usually happens to pēpi of mothers taking certain medicines.
VKDB happens most often in the first 1 to 7 days of a baby's life.
VKDB can happen up to about 6 months of age in pēpi with liver or bowel problems, or exclusively breastfed pēpi who have not had vitamin K at birth.
Why babies have low levels of vitamin K
Pēpi have low levels of vitamin K in their bodies because:
- vitamin K is mainly made by bacteria in the gut and there are few bacteria in a baby's gut at birth
- pēpi do not get enough vitamin K from their mothers during pregnancy or breastfeeding
The most reliable way to give babies vitamin K
The most reliable way to give pēpi vitamin K is by one injection into the muscle in the leg (intramuscular injection). One injection just after birth will protect your baby for many months.
It is possible to give pēpi vitamin K by mouth (orally). But, this is not recommended because:
- pēpi don't absorb vitamin K by mouth as well
- the protection does not last as long and so pēpi need 3 doses (at birth, at 5 to 7 days and at 6 weeks)
- you may not be sure a baby has swallowed the dose
- there is a risk of forgetting the later dose
- some pēpi may have conditions that prevent absorption of vitamin K from the gut
All babies can have vitamin K
All pēpi need vitamin K. This includes pēpi who are premature, very small or sick, as well as pēpi having surgery.
Vitamin K injections are safe and effective
Research and practice shows that giving vitamin K by injection at birth is safe and effective. Pēpi in New Zealand, and in many other countries, have been given vitamin K injections for many years without problems.
Having the injection does not cause any health problems but some pēpi have a slight swelling or soreness at the site of the injection for a day or two.
One study in the early 1990s suggested that injections of vitamin K might be linked to one type of childhood cancer. Later research has proven that vitamin K is not associated with any kind of childhood cancer, whether it is given by mouth or by injection.
Choosing whether your baby has vitamin K
It is your choice whether or not your baby receives vitamin K and whether it is given by injection or by mouth. Giving vitamin K by injection provides the best protection for your baby. Giving vitamin K by mouth (orally) does not provide as much protection for your baby and they will need to have 2 more doses over a period of weeks.
Not giving vitamin K at all means that your baby is at risk of getting a severe, preventable health problem and you should watch closely for any warning signs of bleeding.
When to seek help for babies who didn't have vitamin K
If you decide against your baby having vitamin K, make sure to watch very carefully for symptoms of VKDB (vitamin K deficiency bleeding). Always see your health professional urgently if your baby has any of the following warning signs:
- easy bruising
- increasing bruising around their head and face
- bleeding from the nose, gut or umbilical cord (bleeding and bruising are not normal in the first months of life)
- being irritable, vomiting, having paler than usual skin or (for dark-skinned babies) pale appearing gums - these might be due to internal bleeding
- any signs of worsening jaundice in pēpi over 3 weeks old
Who to ask for more information about vitamin K
Your midwife or other health professional can give you more information about vitamin K.