A video on the benefits of vaccinating tamariki
In this video, Dr Erik Andersen, a paediatric neurologist at Capital and Coast District Health Board, talks about the benefits of vaccinating tamariki.
Source: Ministry of Health NZ
A video of tamariki sharing their thoughts about COVID-19 vaccinations
In this video, tamariki ask questions and share what's on their minds about COVID-19 and the vaccine.
Source: Ministry of Health NZ
A video about making an informed decision
A short video about making the decision to vaccinate your child against COVID-19 and being informed.
Source: Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora
Videos on how to talk to your child about having the COVID-19 vaccine
A video with suggestions about how parents and whānau can talk to tamariki and help prepare them for the vaccination process.
Source: Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora
In this video, paediatrician Dr Teuila Percival says it's best to be open and transparent with children about the COVID-19 vaccination. Explain to your child why they're having a vaccine and what to expect.
Source: Ministry of Health
In this video, psychologist Paul Prangley gives advice on how parents and caregivers can talk to their children about being immunised against COVID-19.
Source: Ministry of Health
COVID-19 Vaccination - Preparing Your Tamariki
A video on supporting tamariki with disabilities to have the COVID-19 vaccine
In this video, Dr Pete Watson, Chief Medical Officer at Counties Manukau DHB, talks about why vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine is appropriate for tamariki with disabilities.
Source: Ministry of Health
Supporting Children & Young People Having The COVID-19 Vaccine
A video about tamariki with needle phobia
A video featuring Jaki, a vaccinator, talking about how she helps vaccinate tamariki and people with needle phobias and sensory issues.
Source: Ministry of Health
A video on the relative risk of having COVID-19 versus the COVID-19 vaccine
This video discusses the relative risk of having COVID-19 versus the COVID-19 vaccine. It discusses myocarditis as a rare side effect of the Pfizer vaccine. This video is one of a series made by 'Stuff' in partnership with Māori Television and Pacific Media Network.
Source: Stuff NZ
A video about how the vaccine works (English, te reo Māori, Samoan)
Watch a video on how the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine works - in your preferred language.
A video explaining how the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine works.
Source: Immunisation Advisory Centre
A video explaining how the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine works - with Te reo Māori narration.
Source: Immunisation Advisory Centre
A video explaining how the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine works - with Samoan narration.
Source: Immunisation Advisory Centre
Watch a video on how the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine works. Listen in your preferred language.
A video about vaccine safety
A video about COVID-19 vaccine safety.
Source: Immunisation Advisory Centre.
An animated image showing how the COVID vaccine protects us
See an animated graphic that briefly explains the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine. It shows how it can keep us safe from all variants of the virus, including Omicron.
The Spinoff's Toby Morris and microbiologist Siouxsie Wiles created the graphic.