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Teens, Alcohol & Drugs

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Displaying 6 results tagged with ‘Teens, Alcohol & Drugs’

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  • KidsHealth QR Code Poster - Teens & Alcohol

    To give others easy access to KidsHealth's teens and alcohol content, you can share a QR code poster. Anyone can scan the QR code with their phone and go straight to the KidsHealth teens and alcohol content. 
  • Parenting Teens - Parties

    Parties are part of the fun in growing up and a good way for rangatahi (young people) to be able to mix with others. Plans and boundaries help to keep your teenager safer.
  • Parenting Teens - When Should I Talk To My Child About Drugs?

    Look for opportunities to talk about drugs with your teenager. Talk with your teens about ways they can so no to alcohol or other drugs, without them losing face with their friends. Be informed about drugs.
  • Parenting Teens - Alcohol & Young People

    Alcohol is our most common recreational drug. Those under 15 years of age are at the greatest risk of harm from drinking, and not drinking in this age group is especially important. 
  • Parenting Teens - Alcohol Guidelines

    Alcohol is our most common recreational drug. Not drinking is the safest option for rangatahi (young people) under 18 years of age.
  • Parenting Teens - Alcohol Facts

    Alcohol is our most common recreational drug. Not drinking is the safest option for rangatahi (young people) under 18 years of age.
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