Displaying 3 results tagged with ‘Sex & Sexuality’
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- Many tamariki (children) come across porn and online sexual images now, whether it’s by accident, a friend has shown them, or because they’re curious. Sexual content is now featured across many mainstream social media platforms and often easier to find than avoid. Over a quarter of tamariki have seen porn by age 12. Having simple and age-appropriate conversations around porn and online sexual content with tamariki is a great way to help protect and prepare them to navigate their online world.
How To Talk To & Support Your Teenager Around Pornography
The online world is changing rapidly, and chances are most teenagers will see, or have seen, pornography (porn) either on porn sites or across mainstream social media platforms. Talking about porn can feel awkward at first, but young people tell us that they want, and need, better porn conversations and support from adults.How To Talk To Your Child About Sex
Talking with your child about sex can be difficult but it's important. If you want to be involved in shaping your child's ideas and attitudes about sex, start these conversations early.