If you can't find the organisation you're looking for below, you could also check the Family Services Directory
- ADHD New Zealand
- Allergy New Zealand
- Anxiety New Zealand
- Arthritis New Zealand (see Children with Arthritis)
- Asperger Syndrome (see Autism New Zealand or Cloud 9 Children's Foundation New Zealand or Jen Birch's Personal Asperger Syndrome website)
- Asthma Foundation of New Zealand
- Asthma New Zealand
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder (see Autism New Zealand or Cloud 9 Children's Foundation New Zealand or Jen Birch's Personal Asperger Syndrome Web Site)
- Autism New Zealand
- Barnardos New Zealand - an organisation providing services to children and families throughout New Zealand
- Bedwetting (see New Zealand Continence Association)
- Blindness (see Blind Low Vision NZ)
- Blind Low Vision NZ
- Bone Marrow Transplant Children (see IDFNZ (Immune Deficiencies Foundation of New Zealand))
- Brain Injury Association New Zealand
- Cancer (see Child Cancer Foundation or Canteen Aotearoa)
- Canteen Aotearoa provides a range of free psychosocial support services for young people aged 12 to 24 impacted by cancer
- Carers New Zealand - grassworks network for New Zealanders who care for sick, injured and disabled family members at home
- CCS Disability Action
- Cerebral Palsy (see Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand)
- Child Cancer Foundation
- Cleft New Zealand
- Cloud 9 Children's Foundation New Zealand - Asperger Syndrome support and information organisation
- Coeliac Society of New Zealand
- Continence Problems (see New Zealand Continence Association) - includes section on Continence information for children (including bedwetting and daytime wetting)
- Counselling services: What's Up is a free, national, professional telephone counselling service for all 5 to 18 year olds. It offers anonymous, confidential and child-centred counselling 7 days a week between 11am and 11pm. Youthline is a website which complements a free telephone counselling service for young people (0800 376 633).
- Crohn's and Colitis New Zealand
- Cystic Fibrosis Association of New Zealand
- DEBRA New Zealand - the DEBRA New Zealand Trust is an organisation dedicated to the improvement in the quality of life for all people with epidermolysis bullosa and their families. Epidermolysis bullosa is the name of a group of genetic disorders causing blistering and shearing of the skin from even the gentlest friction, often from everyday activities
- Disabilities - general (see Enable New Zealand, Halberg Trust, New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association Inc or Firstport)
- Disabilities - intellectual (see Halberg Trust, IHC New Zealand, New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association Inc or Firstport)
- Disabilities - physical (see Enable New Zealand, Halberg Trust, CCS Disability Action, New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association Inc or Firstport)
- Disability Connect (previously The Parent and Family Resource Centre) - an umbrella organisation to support families raising a child with a disability. The main aim of the centre is to create support and skill development opportunities that can empower parents of children with special needs. The organisation is parent driven, parent focused and open to all in the disability community
- Disability Support Services - (see Enable New Zealand or Firstport)
- Down Syndrome (see New Zealand Down Syndrome Association)
- Dwarfism (see Little People of New Zealand)
- Dyslexia (see SPELD New Zealand - Specific Learning Disabilities Federation)
- Dyspraxia (see SPELD New Zealand - Specific Learning Disabilities Federation)
- EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa) (see DEBRA New Zealand). The DEBRA New Zealand Trust is an organisation dedicated to the improvement in the quality of life for all people with epidermolysis bullosa and their families. Epidermolysis bullosa is the name of a group of genetic disorders causing blistering and shearing of the skin from even the gentlest friction, often from everyday activities
- Enable New Zealand - a multi-service organisation working to assist disabled people and their families/whanau, employers, health professionals and disability support organisations. Some of Enable's services are available nationwide, while other services are provided regionally
- Encopresis (see New Zealand Continence Association)
- Enuresis (New Zealand Continence Association)
- Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) (see DEBRA New Zealand)
- Epilepsy New Zealand
- General disabilities (see Enable New Zealand, New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association Inc or Firstport)
- Grief (see Skylight or SANDS New Zealand (Stillborn and Neonatal Death Support) or SAFDA (Support after Foetal Diagnosis of Abnormaility) email: info@sands.org.nz or Twin and Multiple Birth Loss New Zealand)
- Haemochromatosis - information and support and a dedicated haemochromatosis line is now provided at the Leukaemia and Blood Cancer NZ website
- Halberg Trust - supports children with a disability to be involved in active leisure or recreation of their choice, alongside their peers in an inclusive environment
- Heart Kids (previously @Heart)
- IDFNZ (Immune Deficiencies Foundation of New Zealand) - a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting children, teenagers and adults with diagnosed PID (Primary Immune Deficiency) disorders. The Kids Foundation is the welfare arm of IDFNZ and is responsible for caring for suspected or diagnosed PID children, teenagers and their immediate families, as well as BMT (bone marrow transplant) children
- IHC New Zealand - New Zealand's largest provider of services to people with intellectual disabilities and their families
- Immune Deficiencies (see IDFNZ (Immune Deficiencies Foundation of New Zealand))
- Intellectual Disabilities (see IHC New Zealand or New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association Inc or Firstport)
- Kidney disorders (see Kidney Kids and Kidney Health New Zealand)
- Kids Foundation (see IDFNZ (Immune Deficiencies Foundation of New Zealand))
- Learning disabilities (see SPELD New Zealand - Specific Learning Disabilities Federation)
- Leukaemia and Blood Foundation of New Zealand
- Little People of New Zealand
- Lupus (see Arthritis New Zealand
- New Zealand Continence Association
- New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association Inc - offers therapy and rehabilitation; education, behaviour modification and social contact; horse riding for sport and recreation for people with disabilities
- Parent to Parent - a national organisation working with families and children affected by disabilities, health impairments, rare syndromes, and special needs. Parent to Parent currently has contacts available for 638 different disabilities and information relating to over 1800 disorders. Support groups both in New Zealand and overseas are listed for over 3500 conditions
- Perthes Support Group (Perthes disease). Contact details for the Perthes support group are listed in the Rare Diseases New Zealand website support groups directory
- Phobias (see Anxiety NZ or Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand)
- Physical disabilities (see Enable New Zealand or CCS Disability Action or New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association Inc or Firsport)
- Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of New Zealand
- Primary Immune Deficiency Disorders (see IDFNZ (Immune Deficiencies Foundation of New Zealand))
- Rare Disorders New Zealand (formerly New Zealand Organisation for Rare Disorders)
- SAFDA (Support after Foetal Diagnosis of Abnormality). Email: info@sands.org.nz
- SANDS New Zealand (Stillborn and Neonatal Death Support)
- Skylight - a national organisation working to support children, young people and their families who have been affected by change, loss and grief
- Soiling (see New Zealand Continence Association)
- Speakeasy - New Zealand Speak Easy Association Inc - a support group for people who stutter
- SPELD New Zealand (Specific Learning Disabilities Federation)
- Stillborn and Neonatal Death Support (see SANDS New Zealand)
- Stuttering (see Speakeasy - New Zealand Speak Easy Association Inc)
- What's Up - a free, national, professional telephone counselling service for all 5 to 18 year olds that offers anonymous, confidential and child-centred counselling 7 days a week between noon and midnight
- Youthline - a website which complements the free telephone counselling service for young people (0800 376 633)