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Tips for talking with your teenager around porn 

Be prepared

Preparing for the conversation will help you stay relevant, calm, and unshockable.

Tailor the talk

Be guided by your teenager’s age, knowledge and experience. 

Team up

Talk to other whānau members about who’s best to start the conversation.    

Be curious and open

Take a curious, kind and non-judgmental approach, listen with empathy, and avoid words like ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ that can create shame and shut down conversations.  

Choose a good time and place

Try somewhere your teen is comfortable with, like driving or walking the dog.

Help build porn resiliency

Discuss the messages in porn and online sexual content around things like gender, violence and sexism. Reflect on how these align with your teenager's own personal, cultural or faith views to help build critical thinking.

Offer support

Some teenagers struggle with porn and online-related issues, so let your teen know you’re here to help if they, or any of their friends, are struggling.

How To Talk To & Support Your Child Or Pre-Teen Around Pornography

How To Talk To Your Child About Sex

Resources to support your teenager around porn

Here are some resources to help parents and whānau with starting conversations, building critical thinking and supporting teenagers around porn and their online sexual world.


The content on this page has been developed and approved by the Clinical Network for Child Protection, Paediatric Society New Zealand with input and guidance from Nikki Denholm, Director, The Light Project.

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