Key points about where palliative care is delivered to children in NZ
- palliative care means relieving or soothing
- palliative care can be available to tamariki (children) with a chronic illness, or to tamariki with a serious illness who recover, as well as to tamariki who are dying
- palliative care and curative care is available for tamariki and rangatahi (young people) with all kinds of illnesses
- palliative care provides hope and aims for the best quality of life for tamariki and whānau (families) during stressful times
This page is part of a whole section on palliative care.
Where palliative care can be delivered
Palliative care can be delivered in a number of settings. These are the main options available in New Zealand.
Many whānau wish to care for their tamariki at home because they feel secure there and are better able to control their daily routine. It also increases the opportunity for parents, siblings, friends and whānau of the child to help with their care. Whānau are supported at home by a children's community nursing team, their GP, local paediatric team and where needed a palliative care service.
There will always be a bed available in the hospital ward if at any time you feel hospital care is more appropriate. Staff at the hospital are also available to provide guidance and advice regarding the care of tamariki at home.
While most symptoms can be readily controlled at home, some tamariki may need to go to hospital from time to time and some whānau may feel unable to care for their child at home for various reasons. Hospital staff try, wherever possible, to care for tamariki in a private room and provide a comfortable environment for the whānau. Tamariki and whānau have access to the support of all members of the hospital's healthcare team including doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains and others.
The content on this page has been developed and approved by the New Zealand Paediatric Palliative Care Clinical Network, Paediatric Society of New Zealand.
Together for short lives. UK. [Accessed 22/05/2020]