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What happens on my rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease journey?

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

Feeling unwell with sore throat and painful swollen joints.

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

See a GP or other healthcare provider.
Admitted to hospital for tests if needed.

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

Diagnosed with rheumatic fever.

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

Receive information and education on rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease.

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

Engage with social support services - cultural worker, social worker, 'Healthy Homes'.
Book dental check up.

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

Have first bicillin injection.

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

First outpatient appointment with the rheumatic fever specialist.

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

Arrangements made for a bicillin injection every 21 or 28 days.

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

Returning to things you enjoy - school, work, sports and exercise.

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

Dental checkups every 6 months.

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

Get your flu vaccination once a year.

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

Follow up with rheumatic fever specialist every 1 to 3 years and follow up echocardiogram (if needed).

Comic strip for Rheumatic fever.

Your rheumatic fever specialist says it's safe to stop having bicillin injections.


This information is adapted from the rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease booklet produced by the Rheumatic Fever Project Team, Te Whatu Ora - Counties Manukau, 2022.

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