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What is fluoride?  

Fluoride is a natural substance in the air, soil, fresh water, sea water, plants and in lots of food. It helps protect teeth by making them stronger and by reducing tooth decay. 

What is water fluoridation? 

Fluoridation is the process of adjusting the natural level of fluoride in community water supplies – it is increased so it gives the best protection against tooth decay. 

Facts about community water fluoridation

It's effective 

Numerous studies have shown that tamariki (children) and adults living in areas with community water fluoridation have significantly less tooth decay than those living in non-fluoridated areas. 

Fluoride has been added to many regions' water supplies for more than 60 years. 

It's safe 

Evidence based on decades of community water fluoridation shows it is safe. 

Caption and credit

Sir Peter Gluckman, the former chief science adviser to the prime minister, talks about why fluoride makes a difference.
Source: Ministry of Health

It's affordable

There is strong evidence that community water fluoridation is cost-effective. It saves much more in dental costs for individuals than it costs to run fluoridation programmes.

Caption and credit

Dr Riana Clarke, National Clinical Director of Oral Health for the Ministry of Health talk about why fluoride is important.
Source: Ministry of Health

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