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What are PHOs (primary health organisations)?

PHOs (primary health organisations) are groups of GPs (general practitioners or doctors), nurses and other health professionals who provide your family with health care. Your PHO team will work with your family to:

  • prevent illness and
  • treat your child when they need it 

Your PHO is usually your first contact when your child is sick.

What are the advantages of belonging to a PHO?

Belonging to a PHO practice and taking your child to see your regular family doctor and other members of the practice team is better for you and your family. The practice team gets to know your child and their health needs. Your child has the benefits of a long term relationship with the practice team. The benefits also include cheaper doctors visits and reduced costs on prescription medicines.

How do I join a PHO?

Anyone can join a PHO. Enrolment in a PHO is voluntary, but people are encouraged to join a PHO in order to gain the benefits associated with belonging to a PHO.

Most general practices are now part of a PHO. If you are not enrolled in a PHO, ask your regular doctor if they are part of a PHO. To enrol, usually you will have to sign a form which the doctor, nurse or medical centre receptionist will give you. The form will usually ask you for your personal details such as name, age, date of birth, address and ethnicity. The information collected at enrolment comes under the Privacy Act 1993 and the Health Information Privacy Code 1994, so the privacy of your information is protected.

You can only enrol in one PHO at a time, but you can change PHOs if you wish.

You can check your enrolment details by calling 0800 252 464 (0800 HLTH 4 U).

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