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Displaying 6 results tagged with ‘Female’

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  • Vulval Conditions In Children

    Vulval conditions are common in tamariki (children). They can cause symptoms such as itch and discomfort. Read to find out about some of the common conditions that can affect the vulva in tamariki.
  • Lichen Sclerosus In Children

    Lichen sclerosus is an uncommon skin condition. It affects males and females of all ages but mainly affects tamariki (children) before puberty.
  • Vulval Skin Care For Children

    The vulva includes the outer genitals in females. The skin around the vulva is thin in tamariki (children) and can be easily irritated. Good vulval skin care can help lessen the chance of irritation.
  • Labial Fusion In Children

    Labial fusion is common in tamariki (children). In most cases, it resolves as your child gets older and requires no treatment.
  • Vulvovaginitis In Children

    Vulvovaginitis causes itch and irritation around the vagina and vulva. It is common in children (tamariki).
  • Sore Bottoms In Young Girls

    Some parents worry that a sore red bottom may be caused by sexual abuse. Although that is a possibility, it is not the usual reason and there are lots of other things that are much more likely causes of a sore red bottom.
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