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What is eczema?

Eczema is a dry skin condition that causes the skin to become red (inflamed) and itchy. On darker skin, eczema may not look red - it may look darker or lighter, and feel rough. 

You can usually control your child's eczema by avoiding triggecrs, bathing once a day, using lots of moisturiser and using steroids on the skin (topical steroids) when your child's skin has active eczema.

Managing eczema

You can easily manage most eczema at home but it needs care every day. There is no cure for eczema - just good management.

Avoiding triggers

Stay cool
Getting too hot from clothing or heating can make eczema worse.

Avoid soap and fragrances
Soap and fragrances are the most common triggers of eczema. Only use skin care products designed for eczema. Many are available on prescription from your doctor or nurse prescriber.


Bathing can be really helpful for tamariki (children) with eczema. Bathing once a day helps to clean the skin and prepares the skin for creams after the bath.

When bathing:

  • use a moisturising wash or soap substitute
  • don't use soap or bubble bath
  • pat the skin dry
  • apply eczema creams immediately after the bath


Using lots of moisturiser many times a day is really important for tamariki with eczema. 

  • use it at least twice a day - more if possible
  • use it all over the body, including the face
  • put it on using a downward motion (in the same direction as the hairs grow)
  • use a spoon to scoop out creams that come in a tub, rather than your fingers
  • aim to finish at least one 500g tub every 2 to 3 weeks


Topical steroids are steroids you put on the skin. They help to soothe inflamed eczema and allow the skin to heal and become comfortable.

  • topical steroids are safe and essential for eczema care
  • use topical steroids on any skin with red, itchy, active eczema - on darker skin, eczema may not look red - it may look lighter or darker, and feel rough
  • put enough topical steroid on the skin that you can see a good shiny layer
  • stop topical steroids when eczema has gone and start if eczema returns, but keep using moisturiser every day

When to get medical help for eczema

See a health professional if:

  • your child's eczema is not showing signs of improvement after 5 days, or
  • if your child has signs of a skin infection

Signs of a skin infection include:

  • crusting
  • weeping
  • pustules (yellow or white pimples)
  • blisters
  • fever
  • pain
Caption and credit

A video sharing 3 really important steps to take when caring for your child with eczema.
Source: KidsHealth


[Music throughout video]


There are 3 really important steps when caring for your child with eczema.

Moisturiser – the more often you use it, the better.

Use lots of moisturiser.

Use it at least twice a day – more if possible.

Use it all over the body, including the face.

Bathing – this can be really helpful. Bathing once a day cleans the skin and prepares the skin for creams after the bath.

Use a moisturising wash or soap substitute.

Don’t use soap or bubble bath.

Pat the skin dry; don’t share towels.

Apply eczema creams immediately after the bath.

Steroids – these are really important if your child’s skin has active eczema and is red and itchy. Steroids can help to soothe the skin and allow it to heal and become comfortable again.

Steroid creams are safe and essential for eczema care.

Use steroids on any skin with red, itchy, active eczema.

Stop steroid creams when the eczema has gone, and start if the eczema returns, but keep using moisturiser every day.

Always remember, if your child still has red, itchy, active eczema please see your doctor or nurse.


This content has been developed and approved by the Clinical Reference Group for the Paediatric Society NZ's Eczema Clinical Network, Te Rōpū Kiripai Hapori.

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