Video transcript for Dads can have a turn!
[Baby sounds]
Lactation consultant
Now she'll be keen to have that. Tip it up; tip it up so that the teat is full with milk at all times.
[Baby sounds]
Is that alright?
Lactation consultant
Yes, yes.
The thing is it's really important to keep the teat as full as possible. That's because if she swallows a lot of air, it's going to get her tummy very distended and make her very uncomfortable. So we don't want her swallowing a lot of air.
The other thing is it's really good that you've got her sitting so upright because ...
[Baby sounds]
...babies who ... who are fed by bottle and teat are more at risk of getting ear infections. So, um, keeping her upright helps protect her against ear infections.
Now it's really nice, she actually could ... you could turn her round slightly to face you so ... to face you so that she can look up at you. Right at the moment she's looking over the other way. Might be just the way ... that's it. There you go.
Is that alright?
Lactation consultant
Yes. Well-done. You've got her nice and high. Nice upright. You've got her bottle at a good angle. That's good.
Is this pace alright? It's like not too fast for her?
Lactation consultant
It's a good question. You can get teats with different sized holes, some of them have got multiple holes for .. it's just as long as she's not choking on it. A newborn baby often has a very small hole, um, but as she gets older she'll be able to cope with a faster flow and she might get frustrated with a very ... with the smaller hole.
It's really good if you've ever got the opportunity to feed her skin to skin as well you know without your top on, for her to feel that nice ...
Lactation consultant
... um, skin to skin contact, um, which is really bonding and it's really nice ...
Lactation consultant
... for both of you, and she learns to identify you and ... and to, um, put it all into a lovely trusting environment.
Do I still hold her in this kind of position?
Lactation consultant
Yes and that ... absolutely, you hold her still in that position. Always upright, always in a situation, not obviously right up ... bolt upright but leaning back slightly.
So is it alright to bottle feed her without holding her in your arms, like just on the bed?
Lactation consultant
No, some people, um, may feel that they could leave the baby at a certain age lying flat or propped but actually there are several reasons why that's not recommended. Mostly because they love the contact with you and, and eye contact. It's a really intimate time for you but also because obviously the bottle could role away but also the issue with milk getting entrapped back here or even, um, swallowing some and getting some into the lungs.
So it's really important that you actually hold the baby to feed whenever you can.
If I hold the bottle about this high, will she choke on it?
Lactation consultant
No, actually, because you've got the, uh, it's on a right angle. As long as she can actually suckle on the bottle and you've got it in the right angle with her, with her, um, mouth ...
... obviously if it ... if you had it too high then obviously she would ... the angle of the teat would not be conducive to her being able to suck. But you .. it's making sure that the whole thing is in a good angle.
That's why she's upright ...
[Baby sounds]
... the bottle's nicely tilted, you've got no air getting into her mouth. She's just not forming a seal at the moment because she's not really interested in feeding.