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Cyrus was nervous to get his COVID-19 Pfizer vaccination, but with support from Larisa the nurse administering his vaccination, he's now looking forward to living life fully vaccinated. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect you, your friends and your whānau. 
Source: Ministry of Health

What you can do before your child's COVID-19 vaccine appointment

  • give your child encouragement and keep them relaxed
  • make sure your child has had something to eat and drink
  • check your child is wearing clothes that make it easy to see and access their upper arm

If they're a little nervous, they're welcome to take something to the appointment that will distract them, like a phone or some music.

Talking to your child about having the COVID-19 vaccine

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In this video, paediatrician Dr Teuila Percival says it's best to be open and transparent with children about the COVID-19 vaccination. Explain to your child why they're having a vaccine and what to expect.
Source: Ministry of Health

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In this video, psychologist Paul Prangley gives advice on how parents and caregivers can talk to their children about being immunised against COVID-19.
Source: Ministry of Health

Resources on helping prepare for a COVID-19 vaccine appointment

Supporting tamariki with a disability have their COVID-19 vaccine

Australians with Down syndrome say why they got the COVID-19 vaccine

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In this video, Down Syndrome Australia asks Australians with Down syndrome why they got the COVID-19 vaccine, and why they think everyone else should too.
Source: Down Syndrome Australia

Getting help during your child's COVID-19 vaccine appointment

If you book through Book My Vaccine, you can request assistance during your appointment.

This can include:

  • an NZSL interpreter
  • support to make decisions
  • assistance to move around
  • a longer appointment time
  • a quiet or low-sensory environment
  • more space to move around
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