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Caption and credit

'Your rights?' An animated video that encourages everyone to be aware of their rights so they can ask questions, seek support, and make sure their voices are heard.
Source: Health and Disability Commissioner

Caption and credit

'Your rights?' An animated video in te re Māori that encourages everyone to be aware of their rights so they can ask questions, seek support, and make sure their voices are heard.
Source: Health and Disability Commissioner

Watch the video in your preferred language.

Key points about your rights when using health and disability services

  • when you use a health or disability service, you have rights
  • all people in Aotearoa New Zealand have these rights
  • if you are not happy with a health and disability service you receive, you have the right to complain

Your rights when using health and disability services

When you use a health or disability service in Aotearoa New Zealand, you have the protection of a Code of Rights. The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights provides 10 rights.

Right 1

The right to be treated with respect.

Right 2

The right to freedom from discrimination, coercion, harassment, and exploitation.

Right 3

The right to dignity and independence.

Right 4

The right to services of an appropriate standard.

Right 5

The right to effective communication.

Right 6

The right to be fully informed.

Right 7

The right to make an informed choice and give informed consent.

Right 8

The right to support.

Right 9

Rights in respect of teaching or research.

Right 10

The right to complain.

What to do if you're not happy with a health and disability service you receive

You can get help from an advocate to resolve your complaint directly with the person or organisation you are unhappy with. Or, they can help you make a complaint to HDC. This service is free of charge. 

Find out more about meeting your child or young person's needs

There are a set of principles that describe how healthcare providers should meet your child or young person's particular needs. Check out the information about how healthcare providers should meet your child or young person's particular needs.

Introduction To Principles Guiding Provision Of Health & Disability Services

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