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Age-specific information on autism-takiwātanga

It can sometimes be overwhelming finding age-appropriate information on autism-takiwātanga. 

Here you can find information and support services for specific age groups. 

Check out a QR code poster which gives others easy access to KidsHealth's autism-takiwātanga content

Autism-takiwātanga support information and education - ngā kete mātauranga

There are different support services in Aotearoa New Zealand for tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people) with autism-takiwātanga and their whānau. They include:

  • social support
  • education support
  • parenting support
  • cultural support

You may want to use different support services at different stages of your child's life and development. 

The kete above represent different age groups. Click on the kete to access information on that age range. 

These kete are designed to contribute to, refil and add to the family's own kete of knowledge, information and support. The overall goal of these kete is to empower New Zealand families. 

The guiding principal behind these kete is that of rangatiratanga - to enable whānau to have control over their own health and wellbeing. 

QR code poster

To give others easy access to KidsHealth's autism-takiwātanga content, you can share a QR code poster. Anyone can scan the QR code with their smartphone and go straight to this page. 


A QR poster highlighting the age-specific information on autism-takiwatanga on the KidsHealth website. Includes images, words and a QR code.
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