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Receiving a diagnosis of autism-takiwātanga

Parents and whānau can have a range of responses to a diagnosis of autism-takiwātanga in their child. Some parents and whānau are relieved to understand differences in their child's development. Others may find the diagnosis difficult.

If your child does have autism-takiwātanga, there are services available to support your child, you and your whānau.

Getting information about autism-takiwātanga is important. But, parents and whānau will have their own needs about this. Some want as much information as possible early on. Others find a lot of information, early on, overwhelming. There are resources, information and support available for you to check in your own time, when you need them.

Check out the listing of NZ resources and support available on autism-takiwātanga.

Autism-Takiwātanga Support & Resources In Aotearoa NZ

Support for children with autism-takiwātanga

Developmental coordinators

Each district health board (DHB) has a developmental coordinator who is involved with tamariki (children) having an assessment for autism-takiwātanga. Your developmental coordinator may be able to help you find the information and support available in your area that will be most helpful.

Exploring Autism and Teen Life programmes

Financial support

If your child has autism-takiwātanga, financial support is available.

Financial Help When Your Child Has A Disability Or Chronic Condition

Needs assessment

If your child has autism-takiwātanga, a needs assessment is the first step towards getting support or services for your child and whānau.

Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC)

Behaviour support

Caption and credit

A video that follows Josh's story and his family who have had support from Explore's Behaviour Support Services.
Source: HealthCare NZ

Toilet training for children with autism-takiwātanga

Tamariki with autism-takiwātanga are more likely to have bowel difficulties, ranging from loose poos to constipation. When toilet training tamariki with autism-takiwātanga it is important to have a plan, be consistent and patient, give calm responses and praise desired behaviours.

Are there any medicines for children with autism-takiwātanga?


There are no medicines to cure autism-takiwātanga.

Tamariki with autism-takiwātanga can develop psychological problems such as anxiety, ADHD, depression or psychosis or medical problems such as epilepsy. These problems may benefit from treatment with medicine. A paediatrician or child psychiatrist usually prescribes this medicine to begin with, but your family doctor can often continue prescribing it later on.

Complementary and alternative medicine

All parents want to provide the best opportunities for their child with autism-takiwātanga. There is a lot of online information about a range of treatments for tamariki with autism-takiwātanga. Much of this information is based on individual stories (anecdotes). If you are considering this kind of treatment for your child, talk to your child's paediatrician or psychiatrist first.

Advice For Parents About Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Autism-Takiwātanga (ASD)

People who know the details about my autism are usually more comfortable dealing with me. Also, the more information my teachers have, the more ideas they have to help me learn.


The quote from people with autism - takiwātanga is reproduced from the New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline (2nd edn), as allowed by the Guideline's copyright policy. The quotes are copyright New Zealand Ministries of Health and Education.

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