Displaying 12 results tagged with ‘Parenting Teens’
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Parenting Teens - Emotional and Mental Wellbeing
If your teenager is experiencing bullying, anxiety or depression, there are some things you can do to support them. It is important to get help if you are concerned about your teen's emotional and mental wellbeing.Parenting Teens - When Things Go Wrong
Even with the best parents in the world, young people can still get into trouble. Most teenagers will experiment with alcohol and getting it wrong is not uncommon.Parenting Teens - Alcohol Facts
Alcohol is our most common recreational drug. Not drinking is the safest option for rangatahi (young people) under 18 years of age.Parenting Teens - Communication
Kids that feel close to one or more parents tend to do better in life. Listen to your teenager – when they are ready to talk. Be open and tell the truth.Parenting Teens - Know What Your Young People Are Up To
Kids whose parents know who their friends are, where they are – and what they are up to - are less likely to get into trouble.Parenting Teens - Being A Good Role Model
Be the kind of person you want your teenager to grow up to be.Parenting Teens - Relationships With Your Teenager
The best parenting skill you can have is to simply act like one! In order for your kids to respect you, you must give them a person worth respecting.Parenting Teens - Boundaries
While the teenage years can at times be stormy and emotional, your kids need to know that you will always be there and what you expect from them.Parenting Teens - Spending Quality Time Together
To be a more effective parent and enjoy a closer whānau (family) relationship, you need to spend quality whānau time together.Parenting Teens - The Teenage Brain
New research has found that teenagers are so different because their brains are undergoing a BIG change, which starts around puberty and continues through to their mid-20s.Parenting Teens - Introduction
Teenage years are growth years and ones of great change. Most things about your teenager's world are changing. Don't let your love be one of them.