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Key points about tonsillectomy

  • a tonsillectomy is a surgery to remove the tonsils
  • your child may need a tonsillectomy if they have snoring, obstructed breathing or pauses in their breathing at night and their tonsils are big
  • they may also need surgery if they have frequent, severe or long-lasting tonsillitis
  • sometimes tamariki have their adenoids taken out at the same time as their tonsils

What are tonsils and what do they do?

Tonsils are fleshy pads on either side of the throat. They are made of lymph tissue, which helps fight infections. Tonsils can get bigger in some tamariki and sometimes can stay enlarged, even without having obvious problems with infections.

 Illustration of a young girl with two circular insets showing the inside of her mouth. One inset labeled "Normal" displays normal-sized tonsils, while the other inset labeled "Enlarged tonsils" shows enlarged tonsils.

Removing the tonsils

A tonsillectomy is a surgery to remove the tonsils.

Although tonsils are part of the infection-fighting (immune) system, they are not essential, and their removal will not harm your child's immune system. Other parts of the immune system in the upper throat continue to function. Tamariki who have frequent throat infections are usually much healthier and have fewer infections after their tonsils are removed.

Removing the tonsils and adenoids

Sometimes, tamariki will have their adenoids taken out at the same time as their tonsils. This is called an adenotonsillectomy.

Sometimes, tamariki will only have their adenoids taken out, and this is called an adenoidectomy.


Reasons for needing a tonsillectomy

Your doctor will consider several factors when talking with you about whether your child needs a tonsillectomy. It may be helpful for your child to have a tonsillectomy if they have any of the following.

Snoring caused by enlarged tonsils

It's not normal for tamariki to snore. Snoring can have long-term effects on sleep quality, behaviour and learning.

Snoring, restlessness during sleep, or pauses in breathing (apnoeas) are reasons to consider surgery.

Photo of the back of the throat of a child showing enlarged tonsils

A photo of big tonsils in a child with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).

Snoring Or Noisy Breathing In Children

Frequent and severe tonsillitis

A health professional may recommend surgery if your child is getting tonsillitis frequently and it's affecting their schooling.

As a general guideline, tamariki may need a tonsillectomy if they have:

  • 6 or more episodes of tonsillitis in 1 year that is severe enough to interrupt their usual daily activities like school or
  • 4 to 5 episodes of tonsillitis each year in the last 2 years or
  • 3 episodes of tonsillitis each year in the last 3 years

If your child has less frequent problems with tonsillitis, but they also have big tonsils and snoring, these problems can be considered together to help decide whether they need a tonsillectomy.

Photo showing tonsillitis

A photo showing tonsillitis. The tonsils have yellow, cheesy material on them.

Tonsillitis In Children

Effectiveness of a tonsillectomy

For sleep-disordered breathing

Removing the tonsils and/or adenoids from the back of the throat opens the airway and creates more room.  After surgery, your child will be able to breathe more normally at night and should sleep better.

Studies show that an adenotonsillectomy cures or improves symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing in 80% to 97% of people. The surgery is more successful if there are no other conditions (such as obesity) contributing to sleep-disordered breathing.

For repeated acute tonsillitis

Tonsillitis should never happen again after the tonsils are removed. Throat infections due to colds and the flu will still happen.

Who will do the tonsillectomy?

Your family doctor may refer your child to a specialist ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon. After talking to you and examining your child, they may recommend removing your child's tonsils and/or adenoids.

What to expect before, during and after a tonsillectomy

Having A Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy Or Adenotonsillectomy

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