Screen Time - Making A Family Technology Plan

Screen Time - Making A Family Technology Plan

A family technology plan helps you and your whānau (family) set boundaries around screen use in your home. Find out what a technology plan is and how to make one for your whānau.


Key points about making a family technology plan 

  • a family technology plan is a set of rules for everyone in your whānau around balanced screen use 
  • making a family technology plan with your whānau helps set healthy boundaries
  • talking to your child is the best way to help manage their screen time in a healthy way

What is a family technology plan? 

Screen time refers to the total time someone spends using electronic devices with screens, such as smartphones and computers. 

A family technology plan is like a set of rules for everyone in your whānau. It helps you all find the right balance with digital devices and screen time. This plan might say when and where you can use technology and what you can use it for. Your family's plan will be unique. The plan can change as your tamariki grow and the needs of your whānau change.

Watch this video from Raising Children Australia on what a family technology plan is.

Family technology plan: what is it? from Raising Children Network on Vimeo.

Why does my family need a technology plan?

Screens are becoming a big part of everyday life for many tamariki and rangatahi. Many New Zealand homes and schools feature screens, and most tamariki and rangatahi will interact with them during their childhood. Setting up a technology plan for your whānau allows you to support your child to use screens in a healthy and balanced way. 

How do I make a family technology plan?

It’s important to involve the whole whānau when you make your family technology plan, including tamariki and rangatahi. Discuss what matters to each of you and create a plan everyone agrees with. 

To start with, you could consider these questions:

  • who will be using the technology?
  • when is it OK to use it?
  • where is it OK to use it?

Take a look at this video by Raising Children Australia, which talks you through how to make a family technology plan. 

Family technology plan: how to make one from Raising Children Network on Vimeo.

How can I talk to my child about screen time? 

Rangatahi and tamariki can access virtually any content on their devices - anywhere, anytime. Screens can provide them with opportunities for communication, education and entertainment. But rangatahi and tamariki can also be negatively impacted by what they see. 

You can't control everything they see, but you can help them make good decisions about what they choose to watch and help them think critically about the content. Making a whānau technology plan together can help you to start this conversation. Talking to your child is the best way to help manage their screen time in a healthy way. 

Check out this New Zealand Classification Office video on the importance of talking to your tamariki about their screen time. 

This page last reviewed 18 August 2024.

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