Key points about nightmares and night terrors
- nightmares are bad dreams that often relate to worries your child may have - talk to your child about their worries to help them go away
- night terrors usually happen 2 to 3 hours after falling asleep and can be very frightening for parents and carers
- don't try to wake your child, but gently keep them out of harm's way until it passes - keep your home environment safe
- make sure your child gets enough sleep, by keeping regular bedtime routines and regular wake-up times
- make sure there is no underlying sleep disorder such as obstructive sleep apnoea or periodic limb movement disorder
- if episodes are very severe or frequent, a health professional may need to check for an underlying medical condition (such as obstructive sleep apnoea)
Find out about obstructive sleep apnoea on the page about snoring or noisy breathing.
Snoring Or Noisy Breathing In Children
What is a nightmare?
Nightmares happen when your child wakes while having a bad dream. Your child might remember the 'scary dream' and be afraid to go back to sleep. A reassuring hug will often help them settle back to sleep.
Tamariki can have nightmares at any age. Nightmares are most likely to happen during the later part of the sleep, or in the early morning hours when in Rapid Eye Movement (REM) or Dream Sleep.
Nightmares can be from worries that your child has. It is good to talk to your child about their worries. Tamariki can usually remember these nightmares the next day.
The difference between nightmares and night terrors
Night terrors happen when tamariki are only partly aroused or woken from deep (Stage N3) sleep. So they are not quite awake, but they are not completely asleep either. Night terrors tend to start in the first 2 to 3 hours after sleep starts and may be at a predictable time each night.
During a night terror your child's brain is asleep, whereas the 'body' looks awake and facial expressions are very emotional. Your child may scream and seem very frightened, usually not recognising the people around them.
It is best not to try wake your child as this might make the episode longer. They may try to run away or push people away.
Night terrors are part of a group of Non-REM sleep arousal disorders or parasomnias.
Your child may remember being frightened, but not what the dream was about. They will not usually remember the night terror the next morning.
Younger tamariki are more likely to have night terrors, and usually outgrow them by the end of primary school age. Like nightmares, there are usually no long-term psychological effects.
Helping your child with nightmares or night terrors
With nightmares, it is usually enough to reassure your child and stay with them until they are back to sleep again. Talk about the dream the next day, and ask about any worries or fears that they may have.
A good regular sleep routine and quiet media-free relaxing times before bedtime will help.
Find out about managing nightmares.
Night terrors
With night terrors, your child will appear to be confused and not fully awake, so make your main focus keeping them safe. Make sure the home environment is safe as your child may run around.
When tamariki do mobilise during a night terror, this is sometimes termed 'confusional arousal'. Sometimes tamariki quietly walk during the partial arousal. This is often termed 'sleep-walking'. Together these are thought to represent the same group of partial arousals from deep (N3) sleep.
Lock doors and windows. It's best to sleep on the ground floor.
During the episode, keep your child away from danger by gently restraining them - your child will usually go straight to sleep after a few minutes. Do not try to wake them. This can make the episode last longer.
Find out about managing night terrors.
Preventing nightmares and night terrors
Before bedtime, try to spend time with your child doing something calm (such as reading a book with them). Try not to watch exciting videos or inappropriate television before bed. For tamariki 12 months and older, avoid food and drinks 1 hour before bedtime.
Night terrors
Things that make night terrors worse include fevers, being tired, or not getting enough sleep. If your child has night terrors, it will help them if you can give them a regular bedtime and wake time (including weekends) to make sure that they get enough sleep.
Fevers also make night terrors worse so if they are unwell, try and keep the fever down.
If the night terror happens at the same time every night, you can prevent night terrors by completely waking your child 15 minutes before this time. You could wake them by gently nudging their shoulder until they stir. You can then let them drift off to sleep again.
If they do stop the episodes, after 4 or 5 nights of these scheduled 'wakings', you can stop the waking and see if the night terrors have stopped. In some tamariki, waking them like this may bring a night terror on earlier. So if this happens, go back to not waking them and just making sure they are safe when they have their night terror.
Treatment for nightmares and night terrors
See a health professional if the nightmares or night terrors are:
- are frequent, severe, disruptive, dangerous or
- happen at an unusual age or
- seem to affect your child's performance during the day by causing sleepiness
Your health professional may want to rule out another medical condition related to sleep.
If there is an underlying cause, this may need treatment before the night terrors will stop. Underlying causes include snoring and sleep apnoea, or periodic limb movements. These will need treatment. Treatment has been shown to almost completely get rid of night terrors. Even if your child does not have another condition, extra measures may be needed, including:
- hypnotherapy (which has been shown to be effective) or
- medicine (if the events are extremely distressing, frequent, injurious, or if they have a negative impact on your child's daytime behavior and performance)
Sleep disorders are very common in childhood and fortunately most of the time there are no underlying medical conditions. Your health professional will be familiar with these problems and can offer help.
Starship Foundation and the Paediatric Society of New Zealand acknowledge the cooperation of The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Sydney Children's Hospital at Randwick, and Hunter New England Kids Health in making this content available to patients and families. Adapted from The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network Nightmares and night terrors.