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This educational video gives information about Shaken Baby Syndrome, the effects it has on babies, and tells the stories of lives who have been affected by the Syndrome. It gives tips on the power people have to protect their infants from harm, and how to cope with a crying baby.
Source: Starship Foundation

Key points about coping with crying and the dangers of shaking a baby

Crying is how babies communicate - it does not mean your baby is being naughty.

  • crying is how pēpi communicate
  • have a plan for what you will do if your baby keeps crying and you become upset or frustrated - there are things you can do and people who can help you
  • it is never ever OK to shake a baby - make sure that all the people who care for your baby know this
  • never leave your baby alone with anyone that you think might lose control

What is shaken baby syndrome?

It may only take 1 or 2 hard shakes to seriously injure a small child.

Shaken baby syndrome is a combination of serious injuries that can occur when someone violently shakes an infant or young toddler.

It is the single most preventable cause of serious head injury in pēpi under 1 year of age in Aotearoa.

It may only take 1 or 2 hard shakes to seriously injure a small child. This is because pēpi and toddlers have relatively big, heavy heads and weak neck muscles. When they are shaken, the brain slams back and forth inside the skull, resulting in bleeding around the brain and damage to the brain itself. Some pēpi may even stop breathing, which can cause further brain damage.

The shaking can also cause bleeding into the back of the eyes. Many pēpi who are shaken also have broken ribs because they are held forcibly around the chest and squeezed when they are shaken. They may also suffer other broken bones during the shaking.

How shaken baby syndrome can happen

Shaken baby syndrome usually happens when a parent or other caregiver shakes a baby or toddler very hard because they are very frustrated with them. The number one reason given for shaking a baby is "I just wanted the baby to stop crying". Forceful shaking may stop the baby crying, because it causes a head injury.

Consequences of shaking a baby

Every baby is different, so the symptoms may vary. Symptoms may include poor feeding, vomiting, irritability, fits (seizures), drowsiness, breathing problems and even coma or stopping breathing completely.

There are serious long-term consequences for pēpi that are severely shaken. Some of these consequences may be avoided if help is sought immediately. There may be:

  • permanent brain damage
  • paralysis (caused by damage to the spinal cord)
  • blindness
  • deafness
  • fits (seizures)
  • broken bones
  • delays of normal development
  • death

Overall, in pēpi diagnosed with shaken baby syndrome, approximately 20% will die and 30% to 60% will suffer moderate to severe injuries. 

How to prevent shaken baby syndrome

It helps to have a plan of what you will do if your baby keeps crying and you become upset or frustrated.

Shaken baby syndrome happens when parents or caregivers get frustrated with their baby or toddler, usually in response to crying.

Always remember:

  • it is normal for pēpi to cry and it is normal for caregivers to get frustrated
  • it's OK to walk away - put your baby in a safe place, close the door and take a break
  • do not pick up your baby until you have calmed down
  • never, ever shake a baby!
  • never leave your baby alone with someone who may lose control
  • share this message with everyone who is caring for your baby
  • if you think your baby may be injured, seek medical help immediately 

It helps to have a plan of what you will do if your baby keeps crying and you become upset or frustrated.

What to do if your baby keeps crying

Some tips to help you cope with a crying baby

  • try feeding your baby - if they don't seem interested, they are not hungry
  • change your baby's nappies if they are wet or dirty
  • make sure your baby is not too hot or too cold
  • try cuddling your baby - they may be lonely or need comforting
  • make sure there are no tight clothes on your baby that are hurting them somewhere
  • if your baby is showing tired signs, put them down somewhere safe to sleep - tired signs include yawning, rubbing the eyes, fist-sucking, as well as grumpiness

If you are worried that your baby is crying because they are unwell, see a health professional or after-hours medical centre.

Everything above seems fine but your baby is still crying

You could try:

  • wrapping and holding your baby safely in a light-weight blanket - many pēpi love to feel snug
  • singing or talking quietly to your baby, or playing some gentle music - pēpi like soothing noises
  • taking your baby for a walk in a front pack or stroller; you could also put your baby in their car seat and take them for a drive - motion generally helps to calm a baby down, and it's good for you too!
  • calling a friend or family member - maybe they could come over and give you a break

You've tried everything and your baby is still crying

  • put your baby in a safe place (such as their bassinet or cot) and leave the room for a while
  • take a break - you have done everything that you can and have met all of your baby's needs
  • check on your baby every 10 to 15 minutes
  • never shake a baby

Check out more information and tips for when your baby is crying.

What You Can Do When Your Baby Cries

What to do if you think your baby has been shaken

Take your baby to your nearest doctor straight away.

Call 111 within New Zealand for urgent medical help if your baby is unconscious or having breathing trouble. Use the appropriate emergency number in other countries.

Don't let guilt or fear get in the way of your child's health. If your baby has a serious head injury because they have been shaken, it will only get worse without treatment. Early medical attention may save your baby's life and prevent serious long-term problems.

If your baby seems quite well but is fussy and/or vomiting, it is important that you tell the doctor that you know or suspect your baby has been shaken, so that they can give the proper treatment.

If you think you might hurt your baby

Put your baby in a safe place and leave the room. Give yourself a break and seek help.

Where to go to for help if you feel stressed

Listing Of Information, Support & Resources on Child Abuse

People who might be helpful

  • a friend or family member
  • your family doctor
  • your midwife
  • your local Plunket nurse or family centre or other Well Child provider

Telephone helplines

Healthline logo with phonenumber on it

Healthline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0800 611 116. Call Healthline if you need advice about a child of any age who is unwell, hurt, or has any symptoms of sickness. It's free to callers throughout New Zealand, including from a mobile phone.

Call Healthline 0800 611 116

Organisations that might be helpful


The video is reproduced here with the permission of Starship Foundation. Many thanks to Starship Foundation for funding the production of the DVD on which it is based.

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