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How online programmes can help

There are a number of free New Zealand based digital programmes which can help tamariki and rangatahi struggling with their mental wellbeing. The programmes were developed by health professionals and are based on evidence. 

The programmes are for tamariki and rangatahi who are going through a hard time - they might be worried or stressed about something, feeling depressed or anxious. 

The programmes may help them:

  • learn new skills to deal with negative thoughts and feelings
  • discover wellbeing exercises they can do to make them feel better
  • connect with friends and whānau for support

Call 111 (in New Zealand) if you, your child or someone else is in immediate danger (use the appropriate emergency number in other countries).

Helplines & Mental Health Support Services


Caption and credit

A video by SPARX to find out more about their tools and resources.
Source: SPARX

Whitu 7 Ways in 7 Days

Manaaki Ora

Aunty Dee

Caption and credit

A video that explains how Aunty Dee works.
Source: Le Va

Small Steps

Just a Thought

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A video about the Just a thought website and how it works.
Source: Just a thought


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This video talks about the Mindshift app and how it works.
Source: Anxiety Canada

My Anxiety Plan (MAP)

Other useful websites 

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