Listing Of Information, Support & Resources on Child Abuse

Listing Of Information, Support & Resources on Child Abuse

A listing of New Zealand organisations, resources, helplines and counselling services aimed at preventing harm to children, or which can offer help when family violence or abuse has occurred.


Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) - find counselling support 

Find support website

ACC provides ACC-approved counsellors for children who have been sexually abused. ACC can help with some of the costs of counselling. You can find registered counsellors by region, including ACC-approved sexual abuse counsellors, at the ACC find support website. You can also phone your local ACC office to ask about counsellors. See the ACC website for ACC contact details.


Barnados website

Barnardos provides child and whānau services in communities around Aotearoa New Zealand. Services vary from area to area but may include centre-based and home-based childcare and parenting programmes. Barnardos also runs children's supervised contact services. Check the website to see which services are available in your area.

Call 0800 BARNARDOS (0800 22 76 27 367).

Citizen's Advice Bureau (CAB) 

Citizen's advice website

CAB provides free, confidential information and advice to anyone about any query or problem. You can contact your local CAB for details of local crisis counselling services, as these differ from centre to centre.

Child Matters

Child Matters website

Child Matters is a trust dedicated to preventing harm to children in Aotearoa. Child Matters provides guidance, advice, education and support to those in a position to act to protect children. Their training and education programmes provide adults with essential skills, and just as importantly the confidence, to intervene when a child needs help. See the website for information and resources.

Family Justice

Family justice website

The Family Justice System is designed to help people sort out family and whānau issues, where possible, without going to court. The Family Justice System includes the Family Court which makes decisions on a number of matters when people can't agree about caring for tamariki. See the Family Justice website for information about separation and divorce, about children (guardianship etc), about family violence and about legal protection you can get.

Family Services Directory

Family services website

The Family Services Directory lists organisations in your area that can provide whānau with help and support.

Family Violence - It's not OK 

Are you ok website

This Ministry of Social Development website has information about family violence, what it is and where to get help. They also have an 0800 Family Violence Information Line (0800 45 64 50) which provides self-help information. I also connects people to services where appropriate. See their website for the following:

Family Works

Family works website

Family Works is the name for child and family services provided by the 7 Presbyterian Support organisations in New Zealand. They are based in 40 centres in Aotearoa New Zealand. To find out more about what is available where you live, simply click on the map on their website.

Family Works delivers a full range of social work and counselling services in communities throughout Aotearoa. Family Works helps:

  • families and whānau – by working alongside you to resolve conflicts and strengthen relationships
  • children – by supporting tamariki and rangatahi to overcome challenges at home or school
  • parents – by addressing issues and building strong, supportive whānau relationships
  • communities – by working together and investing in people and communities we can make a big difference to a lot of lives


Call Healthline on 0800 61 11 16 if you need advice about a child of any age who is unwell or hurt, or has any symptoms of sickness. You can call Healthline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's free to callers throughout New Zealand, including from a mobile phone. Healthline nurses are specialists in assessing and advising over the phone. See more information about Healthline on this website


Kidsline website

KidsLine (0800 94 28 787) is now part of What's Up.  Check the What's Up listing below. 

New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC)

Counselling Aotearoa website

NZAC is the professional organisation for counsellors in New Zealand. NZAC offers Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)-approved counsellors. If the correct procedures are followed, costs are met by ACC. You can check whether a counsellor is a member of NZAC by asking the individual counsellor to show you their certificate or by contacting NZAC - check the website for contact details. Remember, if your child has been the victim of abuse, they should only see an approved counsellor who has experience in this area. Check with ACC for approved counsellors.

New Zealand Police 

New Zealand police website

Family violence is a crime. It is not a private matter. People in violent relationships often cannot help themselves. They need your help. There are various ways you can report a crime. Always call 111 within New Zealand in an emergency. (Use the appropriate emergency number in other countries). For non-emergencies you contact your local police station or you can report crimes anonymously to Crimestoppers, free phone 0800 55 51 11. See the New Zealand Police website for a list of local police contact details or to find out how to get help for family violence (domestic violence) and learn about Protection Orders and Police Safety Orders. 
Freephone: 0800 55 51 11

Office of the Children's Commissioner

Children's commissioner website

The Office of the Children's Commissioner is an independent authority promoting the wellbeing of tamariki and rangatahi through advocacy, consultation, monitoring, research and investigation.

Open Home Foundation

Open home website

The Open Home Foundation provides a range of services for tamariki, rangatahi and their whānau throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. These services can include:

  • social work services for families referred by Oranga Tamariki 
  • care services when it's necessary for tamariki and rangatahi to leave the care of their parents
  • respite for tamariki and rangatahi with a disability
  • intensive wrap-around support and parent mentoring services

Contact the Open Home Foundation by phoning or visiting one of their service centres. They can tell you what services are available in your area.

Oranga Tamariki

Oranga Tamariki website

If you are worried about a whānau you know and would like some advice, give Oranga Tamariki a call on 0508 32 64 59. They're there to help. Their social workers will be able to listen to your worries, and they are trained to be able to help find solutions to family problems. 
Freephone:  0508 32 64 59

Parent Help

Parent Help website

Parent Help has a free helpline staffed by skilled and committed volunteers who offer their time, experience and knowledge to respond to the wide range of issues which parents face in today's environment. The free national helpline is available 9am-9pm.
Freephone: 0800 568 856


Parentline website

Parentline offers individual and group counselling, therapy and social work services to children up to 13 years of age who have been traumatised by abuse and domestic violence. Parenting programmes are also available for the parents of children being seen at Parentline, as are opportunities for whānau therapy to strengthen the whānau unit. See their website for contact details.


Safe network website

SAFE offers specialist treatment services to those with harmful sexual behaviour, and their family and whānau. SAFE's goal is to have a safe community for our tamariki – they work not only to stop individuals' harmful sexual behaviour but ultimately to keep future generations safe too. 

Safeguarding Children

Safeguarding children website

Safeguarding children provides training and support in safeguarding and child protection education in New Zealand. They deliver educational programmes through online e-learning courses as well as in house seminars and workshops.

Salvation Army

Salvation Army website

The Salvation Army helps people in need through a wide range of community programmes including food parcels, budgeting, housing support, life skills and addiction services (drug, alcohol and problem gambling). Check the nearest centre to you. For the full range of assistance the Salvation Army offers, see their drop-down menu 'Get Help' on their website.


Shine helpline website

Shine provides a range of services, including a comprehensive website on family violence. Although the organisation is Auckland based, the information on the website is nationally relevant. Shine also offer KIDshine and child safety programmes that help support tamariki who are exposed to family violence.The organisation provides a national helpline.
Freephone: 0508 74 46 33. 

Victim Support

Victim Support website

Victim Support provides 24-hour emotional support, personal advocacy and information to all people affected by crime and trauma throughout Aotearoa.v Call free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Freephone: 0800 84 28 46

Victims Information

Victims information website

The New Zealand Government website for people affected by crime. If you or your family or whānau have been affected by crime, you can get support to help you deal with the practical and emotional effects of the crime and information to help you understand the legal process. Call the Victims Information Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Freephone: 0800 65 06 54 

What's Up

What's up website

What's Up (Freephone: 0800 94 28 787) is a free national telephone counselling helpline for New Zealand tamariki and rangatahi. It's also free to call from a mobile phone. What's Up counsellors are available 365 days a year, including public holidays, from 11am to 11pm.  You can also chat online with one of their counsellors. Their online chat service is open 11am to 10.30pm. What's Up counsellors are carefully selected and trained, and are paid professionals rather than volunteers. They're monitored on each shift and have ongoing professional development.  What's Up aims to provide early help to tamariki and teach them skills that will help prevent the development of major problems later in their lives. Children and young people can also get tips on dealing with the most commonly called about issues through the 'most talked about' sections of the kids and teens sections of the website. 

Women's Refuge
Crisis line 0800 73 38 43

Women's refuge screenshot

Women's Refuge is a women's organisation for women and their children, to help prevent and stop family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. It provides support and information when you are dealing with violence in your life. Support includes a crisis line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Freephone: 0800 73 38 43
There is also 24-hour access to a safe house, as well as a range of other help and support.

Youth Court

Youth court nz webiste

The Youth Court deals with young people aged 14 to 17 years old. See the Youth Court website for:


Youth law website

Youthlaw is a law agency set up just for young people. They have a huge range of brochures and booklets on most things that involve young people and the law. Give them a call if you need some legal advice, or want to know your rights in a particular situation. They are friendly and helpful and their information is free to young people. The website has a section about domestic violence and young people.
Freephone: 0800 88 45 29


Youthline website

Youthline was established to ensure young people know where to get help and can access support when they need it.  They have a free telephone counselling service for young people.
Freephone: 0800 37 66 33
You can also text free on 234 or chat with a counsellor online from 10am to 10pm.

This page last reviewed 24 May 2023.

Call Healthline on 0800 611 116 any time of the day or night for free health advice when you need it