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Animated epilepsy videos for primary school kids

You could show these videos to your child who has had a seizure, and any other tamariki you have. You could also show your child's teacher. If you want to, you could talk to the teacher about showing the video to your child's classmates. 

Campi has epilepsy - crisis in school

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A video about Campi the seahorse, his friends Cala and Tuno, and his teacher Mr W. Hale. In this first chapter Campi feels unwell in school. Find out if his friends and teacher can help.
Source: International Bureau for Epilepsy

Campi has epilepsy - Campi visits the doctor

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In this video Campi, the seahorse, along with his mum and dad, visit Dr. Cristina Langoustina to find out why Campi has been unwell recently.
Source: International Bureau for Epilepsy

Suzie Squid visits the school - a lesson in epilepsy first aid

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In this video, Suzie Squid from the local epilepsy association visits Campi's school. Suzie shows Campi and his friends what to do if someone experiences a seizure.
Source: International Bureau for Epilepsy

Stella Starfish wants to play sports! - Epilepsy and Sport

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A video about Stella the starfish who loves to play football but is worried because she has epilepsy. Campi the Seahorse lives with epilepsy too, and he has an idea to help Stella learn more about epilepsy and playing sport.
Source: International Bureau for Epilepsy


Video animations created by the International League Against Epilepsy and the International Bureau for Epilepsy. 

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